"Can't wait for you to be complete erased from this planet when the sharks eat you up." I said with a smile as I leaned down, taking off all the valuable jewelry he had on. I also took his boots because they were in a lot better condition than mine. After that, I grabbed him by the ankles, dragged him right to the edge, and threw this dumbass right off. I watched as he fell down through the air, getting closer and closer to the rocks. Then, one nice big jagged rock I aimed for literally split him into two. I had to look away because it was not a pretty sight, but I'm still glad I got to see it. Hope the sharks have a good meal.

I then turned happily on my heels and walked back home to the awaiting Rosie with some fun jewelry to add to my collection; along with a snazzy pair of boots. Rosie must've heard me getting closer to home because she walked outside with a big smile on her face,

"He's completely gone now?"

"That he is." Her smile got impossibly bigger and she was about to wrap me up in a hug, but I held my hand out to stop her, resulting in a pout, "no hugging Rosie, I need to take a bath in the river. I smell like a dead body."

"Yeah, I just wasn't going to comment on that." I just shook my head at her and told her that I'd be back in about 20 minutes. She told me to hurry back because she was going to cook some more pork for us. I then rushed off into the jungle towards the river. I saw it and stripped myself of my clothes, hopping into the lukewarm water since the temperature was pretty hot today. I rinsed myself off and I also grabbed my white shirt, soaking it in the water and getting a majority of the blood stains off of it. I then got out and put my undergarments on before my clothes. I realized that my shirt was now sticking to my body because of the water and I just shrugged my shoulders as there was nothing I could do other than wait for it to dry.

I ran back home and quickly smelled the pork being cooked from inside. I smiled as I walked in, Rosie lifting her eyes away from the fire to meet mine.

"Hey baby," she said with a cheerful smile. I then noticed her eyes make their way down to my upper body and she bit her lip at the sight, "damn."

"Oi, get your head out of the trenches." I told her, flicking her forehead lightly. She whined in protest,

"But you look like that with your shirt snug against your body. How can I not have my head in the trenches?" I just stared at her and then grabbed a fork to get the pork off the fire since I saw it was done.

"Alright, pork is don—"

"Gimme a kiss." Rosie said with a pout as I just glanced over at her.

"And why would I do that?"

"Because you're my girlfriend, duh." She said with a little bit of attitude. I rolled my eyes at her,

"Now if you keep giving me that attitude, I'm goi–" And I was then cut off by her hand forcefully grabbing the collar of my shirt and pulling me into a heated kiss. I probably should have guessed it was coming, but I was still caught off guard. I stumbled forward a little bit and thank god we weren't near the fire anymore.

I held my right hand out and had it go past her body to the ground behind her, leaning her backwards. She still had a death grip on my collar basically and I still made out with her as I had her now laying down. She took control of the kiss and parted my lips with her tongue, making me moan out softly. That made Rosie kiss me even harder and I'm not even mad at it. I moved my left hand down to her waist and then grazed it along her exposed stomach since her shirt had ridden up a little. I felt goosebumps form on her skin and she then moved her right hand away from my shirt to my back, pushing down so I laid my body on top of hers. I was honestly scared I was going to hurt her, so I tried to pull back, but she mumbled against my lips,

High Sea's Love (Rosé x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now