Your way of saying goodbye

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I love the way you said goodbye,

You said, 'could I give it a try?' more to yourself than to mine,

'Try what?' I ask,

'It's not working,' apologetically,

"What is?' More confused now,


He was referring to the wall clock,

Or so I thought it was,

Frozen in time, not moving for a second,

All stand still and made it clear,

That what you said was flashing you Dear,

The way I see how this would go,

I think I'd go before you do,

The light flickered,

My eyes lingered,

Pictures hang the walls askew,

An unfamiliar buzz in your phone,

Told you to go,

Right there and then,

You let it go.

(I thought their's Us,
Until someone made a buzz,
And in the final curtain,
You didn't take a bow,
You just did what others did,
Facing your back and that was it.)

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