How R U?

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How happy are you now?
I wonder where you are,
Are you still the man you used to be?
Or have those fancy clothes stopped you from being.

I happen to see your photograph,
You look happy and gay,
Wondering how you could wear that smile,
That smile that you only show to me.

Your way of looking at the camera was like looking at me,
Your gaze pierced through the screen,
Electrifying me,
Giving me nostalgia and reverie,

I wonder who’s taking my place,
To make you smile that way,
I bet she is special, beautiful, and sweet,
Coz it wouldn’t be so if what I’m seeing wasn’t.

Don’t get me wrong if I say, 
I stalked you out on the Internet,
And I wasn’t enjoying what I’m seeing,
For I already passed the past and no longer heed to it,
Coz it was just all out of curiosity, that’s all, that’s it.

Now that I know how you are faring,
I might as well stop caring,
For who am I to stop your happiness,
When your happiness has always been my best interest.

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