26. Mirror Boy. Literally.

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"Abraxas is quite a nice lad, isn't he?" Juniper asks, making random for the nth time of our trip.

"Yes, he is. Why?" I ask, pulling out my wand.
"Lumos" I mumble, lighting up the path.

"It's just something I noticed. He cares for you" Juniper murmurs.



We reach the ⅔ mark of our journey when we reach an old bridge. It's quite curious that this place is actually abandoned, because it has structures and previous means of transport that are made to be used by a lot of people.

I pick Juniper up before stepping onto the bridge, so he doesn't slip and fall, or get caught on a nail or anything. I carry him as I carefully make my way across the rails of the bridge.

Once we reach the other side, a path of wooden planks lead through the mossy forest. I cut over the tracks and step foot onto the wood that never actually seems to rot.

Juniper decides that he wants to stay in my pocket because it's cold, so quicken my pace. I'll probably just stay in the forest tonight. It's not really even dangerous I here, depending on which direction you head in.

As I casually hop down the path, towards my destination, I noticed something that reflects the light from my wand way up ahead in the distance.

I keep my sight on it as I grow closer and closer until I can just figure it out to be a mirror. It reflects its surroundings like a usual mirror would, though it seems to contain something in the reflective surface that isn't actually there.

I stop at the tree the mirror is leaned against. There's someone in there! Like as though it's merely a window. But that's impossible. It's a mirror. Not a building.

I consider it to maybe merely a portrait, a photo. But I notice his shoulders rise and fall, as if he's breathing.

He looks stressed, with his pale skin and furrowed brow. His brown hair falls over his closed eyes. His appearance kind of reminds me of Tom's. But this guy hardly looks like Tom, whilst looking almost as if he could be a sibling.

I gently tap on the cold, smooth surface with my index finger. The man jumps, glancing up at me. He doesn't say anything.

"Hello?" I ask quietly, to no reply.

"A-are you okay? What are-... Are you supposed to be in that mirror?" I ask, crouching down in front of the object. Maybe he's just a painting? But with a glass screen over it? That would make sense. The glass to protect the paint, right?

"I know you're just another hallucination" He mumbles turning away.

"No..? I don't think I am at least" I object.

"Prove it. Get me out of here" He mumbles exhaustedly, not even turning to me.

"How?" I question.

"Break the mirror" he turns to me with an expectant look. How rude.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I wonder.

"Can you or not?" He ignores my question, reminding me of Tom.

I can't seem to think of a spell that'll smash the glass without completely obliterating the whole mirror. So I set my wand down, and pull Juniper out of my cloak pocket before pulling the cloak itself off, and wrapping it around my good fist.

I steady the mirror with my bandaged hand before swinging my covered fist at the boy in the mirror. He dodges out of the way, now looking alarmed as the reflective material actually shatters into hundreds of little shards.

"Holy shi-" he cuts himself off.

I merely reach my hand through the new hole to help him out. He doesn't take it, instead asking;

"Who are you?"

"A girl on a walk."

"How did you find-"

"If you don't hurry the fuck up, I'm just going to leave" I cut him off sharply. He shuts up and takes my hand, allowing me to assist him out of the mirror frame, avoiding the glass shards.

His back bones pop as he stands up. It sounds as though he's never stretched at all in his entire life.

"Merlin, how long have you been in there?? Who are you??" I ask, letting go of his hand.

"I don't remember how long. Who am I? A boy from a mirror" he steps towards the path.

"Right. The only civilization near here that I know of is to the left along the plank walk until you get to the rails. Turn left and walk along the track, then once you reach the small pond on the left of the rails, walk off the tracks in the direct opposite direction from the pond and you should eventually make it to Hogwarts. If you've any idea what that is" I explain, skipping ahead of the stranger and heading in the opposite direction of where I pointed, continuing down the plank path.

"Of course I know what Hogwarts is, you empty-headed girl. Thanks" He mutters, yet instead of turning the way I told him, he follows me instead.

"What are you doing?" I ask, turning back to the tall boy.

"It's dangerous out here. You wouldn't believe the sorts of things I saw every night. You could easily get hurt" he mumbles. Even though he seems to be pretty rude, he gives off the kind of quiet mysterious vibes.

"Why would you care? You don't know me" I point out.

"Your point being?"

"You do not know me. We have no attachments. I mean nothing to you. Therefore these things I get myself into should not concern you in the slightest" I exact, turning to continue down the slippery path.

"You saved me. I may as well return the favour, and see you back to Hogwarts safely. That brings me to question; what are you doing out here at this hour? Isn't it after curfew? And then Forbidden Forest is well... Forbidden. What brings you here?" He wonders.

"Curiosity" I reply, slowing down as the path slowly comes to an end, being covered by the earthy forest floor. This is to be expected though.

I look up, slightly to my right, and spot exactly what I'm looking for; the clearing. The trees gradually grow thinner and thinner as the woodlands end, and the greensward begins.

"My memory is so sharp" I mutter under my breath, grinning to myself.

"What was that?" The strange mirror boy asks.

"I was talking to myself" I reply, stepping into the open.

"Careful. You're in the open. Anything and everything can see you now" Mirror boy warns.

"Jeez, stop being so restrained. Do you not have a wand?" I roll my eyes, pulling out the pack of cigarettes as I spot the next coverage of trees across the stretching, foggy meadow.

I don't get a reply, which is fine. It was a rhetorical question anyway.



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