Chapter 2 - The castle

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Kristof stepped outside the palace after he'd finished his talk with the King, or actually, it was more the King's financial adviser who'd done most of the talking.

It appeared that the King wanted to visit his mine. Kristof couldn't refuse, one could never refuse his King, so they made an appointment straight away. He thought he could also bring Armin, to show him his life's work.

Kristof owed his wealth to his business. It was a diamond mine, the only one in the country.

While traveling all over the world when he was younger, he somehow learned everything there was to know about the mines and though he himself was not the best miner—because he was short on one hand— he did know everything there was about mining and geology.

With a small fortune that was left to him from his inheritance, he hired the best geologists, miners, and other workers needed for the mine to run. Once that was settled, they started digging and his mine was born. Soon after, the first diamonds were found. Thankfully the business went well because there was a risk that his whole plan would fail if no diamonds were found or if the diamonds that were found were beyond subpar. He would have been left without a single penny in his pocket. In fact, it went so well that it made him the wealthiest man in the country, even richer than his own King! Unfortunately, his wealth made the royal family his enemy for they were green with envy and greed.

Kristof, kind as he was, often donated away big amounts of money to the royals and the palace, but it was never enough. Their hunger for money was like a bottomless pit, it could not be fulfilled; they always wanted more and more. They always spent the money on useless things and then desired for more of Kristof's money.

Kristof himself never really cared for expensive things. It was handy to have money, he did know that, but he also came to know that there was one thing that money couldn't buy.

The one thing he wanted the most in the world.


He thought about the offer he made to Armin's father. Somehow, he did buy the boy, even if it was a mutual agreement.

Armin's father had told him that Armin would be pleased to marry him. He knew Armin probably wanted to marry him for his money, but it was alright. It was enough for him. He knew that he would probably never find real love anyway.

It was five years ago when he first laid his eyes on Armin.

It was in the town's center, at the market. He'd watched the beautiful boy with so much admiration, but it wasn't just beauty that he saw. There was something about Armin. His bold character, his spirit, his made Kristof fall for him that day.

However, Armin was only sixteen years old at the time, while Kristof was twenty-seven. So, once he was out of his sight, he was out of his mind. Armin had never known that someone had been spying on him for almost an hour that day.

Now years later, they would get married. Tomorrow! A warm feeling came over Kristof.

He hopped in his carriage. When he would return home, Armin would be there. At their house.

Kristof couldn't wait...


Armin was waiting for the inevitable. His wooden trunk was already filled with belongings that he wanted to take with him to his new house.

His parents and brothers and sister would go with him to the castle. But while they would return home, he would not, because this was the last day that he could call this house his home.

From hate to love (BxB) COMPLETED √Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora