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"You have until the end of leaf-bare to either leave, surrender, or be wiped out," Sharkshade threatened. "Until then, ShadeClan will be residing in the forest past MossClan's and TideClan's borders, and if any of you are caught trespassing, then it'll be the last thing you ever do."

Without another glance at the bewildered leaders, she turned to her Clan and meowed, "ShadeClan, we're leaving."

Shellshine gave the leaders a regretful look, which was returned, before he followed Sharkshade and the Clan.

He weaved through the group to reach the dark she-cat. As soon as he reached her, Sharkshade spoke.

"You know, Shelly, you didn't have to leave TideClan. You would've been the only one spared, aside from the queens, kits, Saltwillow, and Sealpaw," she meowed, her voice unusually soft.

"I...I know but....." Shellshine started, but he quickly trailed off and looked away.


"I......I love you......"

Surprise flashed in the dark she-cat's eyes, though Shellshine didn't notice. Sharkshade went silent, but pressed against the light tom.

They traveled for a while until they reached their new territory. To Shellshine's surprise, there was already a camp built.

"We built it early," Sharkshade spoke up, seeming to read Shellshine's mind. "We've been planning this for a while now."


Sharkshade quickened her pace, leaping onto a large, dark and cracked rock.

"Cats of ShadeClan, gather around the ShadeRock for a meeting!" she called.

The cats immediately gathered, ears perked in interest. Shellshine settled beside the dark she-cat as she spoke.

"Since we aren't like the StarClan loving Clans, we will not have the same rank names as they do," Sharkshade meowed. "Instead of being called Leaders, me and Shelly will be referred to as Commanders."

"Deputies will be referred to as Lieutenants, Warriors as Warmongers and Subordinates, Apprentices as Novices, Queens as Kit-Bearers, and Elders....we won't have any, so no need to give a new rank name."

"Sharkshade, why are warriors called Warmongers and Subordinates? Why not just Warmongers?" Splashstrike spoke.

"Because, the Subordinates are cats who cannot be trusted as easily, as many of you joined after I slaughtered Willowstar, so you did it our of fear. So, until you prove your loyalty, those who joined out of fear will be Subordinates," Sharkshade hissed icily. "Including you, Splashstrike."

The tom winced and lowered his head. Sharkshade moved her glare away from him and focused back on the entire group.

"Our apprentice ceremonies will be much different as well. Instead of hunting, the apprentices will fight. Whoever wins will become a warrior, and for the one who loses..."

She glanced at Shellshine, who looked horrified at what Sharkshade was about to say.

"They will stay an apprentice, and will have an extra moon of training. If they fail again, then we dispose of them," Sharkshade finished, spotting Shellshine's relived look from the corner of her eye.

"What will we do about prey?" another cat called.

"I chose this area for a reason. We have the ocean to fish in, and a forest to hunt in. Even when it's leaf-bare, we will always find prey here," Sharkshade replied. "Any other questions?"

No one spoke. Sharkshade meowed, "Dismissed," before turning and disappearing into her den.

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