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Focus: Gray Fullbuster

Relationship(s): GruViOn

Word Count: 612

Type: Hurt(?)-comfort

Character(s): Gray Fullbuster, Lyon Vastia, Juvia Lockser

AU?: Regular, + Lyon lives in Magnolia


Juvia looked around, she couldnt sleep. Lyon had been the first to pass out while watching a movie an hour earlier, and Gray had fallen asleep at least 20 minutes earlier. Suddenly, the dark haired ice mage started moving around, he rolled over to his side, as he was by the edge. So, Juvia couldn't see his face. Then his body curled up, knees to chest.

She raised her eyebrows, this was unusual. Well, she couldn't be sure of that. The three of them had just gotten a house together a few weeks ago. So she couldn't be positive about his sleeping patterns, but still. Then she heard crying. Now that was unusual. She had witnessed him cry all of one times. If he is crying, something is wrong. Very wrong.

She was sitting between the two boys on the bed, so she scooted over closer to Gray. "Gray-sama..?" she whispered as she lightly touched his shoulder. He rolled over to face the blue haired mage, his eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were shut tightly. It was clear now, he was having a nightmare. A bad one, at that.

So, the first thing she thought to do was to wake him up. She shook his shoulder, he tensed up as a response. Juvia removed her hand from his shoulder and placed it in his hair. She rubbed his head a bit before kissing his forehead. She realized that he wasn't going to wake up, he's a very hard sleeper. So she rearranged them a bit, now she was sitting against the bed backboard and his head was in her lap.

Suddenly his eyes shot open and he sat up, "UR-" he shouted, but he cut himself off as he looked around, "ur..?"

"Gray-sama, it's Juvia" she spoke lightly as she smiled. He turned around to look at her, "Juvia?". He said questioningly, he wiped his tears and turned away from her.

"Gray-sama, are you okay? You seemed stressed so Juvia tried to help" she said quietly. "I-Im fine, Juvia. Go back to sleep." he said, not very convincingly. "Juvia was never asleep, Gray-sama. And even so, Juvia is not going to sleep until Juvia is sure you will have a goodnight's rest" she said strictly.

Gray scoffed, "whatever", he said. Juvia looked over as Lyon started to shift in his sleep. She looked back at Gray, "do you want to talk about the nightmare?" Gray glarred to no one in particular as he grabbed his communication lacrima off the bedside table. He turned it on to check the time, 4:56am, it read.

"well, it's already morning, I'm awake for the day" Gray attempted to get back but was pulled back onto the bed by a newly awake Lyon. "back to sleep you dork." Lyon yanked his arm.

"If you don't go to sleep, I'm not letting you go to the guild tomorrow" Lyon said stubbornly. "You can't stop me from doing anything" Gray tried to sit up but was pulled back yet again. "You're right, but I can pull you back in bed for hours" Lyon pulled the dark haird mage's head to his chest and hugged him, Juvia happily lyed down with them.

"Why are you two so insistent that I go back to sleep??" Gray asked them. "Because you just woke up from a nightmare, and you've only been asleep for 30 minutes." Juvia explained. Gray groaned, "but I cant sleep."

"Well, then you'll have to try" Lyon closed his eyes. "Gray-sama, we can talk about the nightmare later, if you wish" Juvia told him, "... sure" he said quietly.

"We love you, Gray-sama"



" you too"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2021 ⏰

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