I would let the world burn for you pt. 1

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Hey everyone! sorry I haven't updated this book in forever, I'm in the midst of writing two other books that aren't fanfiction; surprisingly. I'm going to try to keep up with this book, but I make no promises the updates will come very fast. anyways, enjoy! :) and don't worry part 2 will be posted soon!

CAUTION: mention of potential sexual assault and violence

My wrists were held against the brick wall, I wince at the strength of the man holding me down.

"Give me what I want and it'll be over in no time." He says with a snarl in his tone.


He scoffs, "shut up bitch, no one is coming for you!"

A deep and tired voice speaks from the shadows, "I'm sorry but I'd have to disagree, now if you'd please make this easy and let go of the girl it'd be much appreciated."

I look to my right to see a figure perched on a broken lamp post, the man holding me down looks up at the voice, "Unless you want to get hurt mind your own fucking business!"

The figure jumps down from the lamp post, kicking my assaulter in the face. He falls back as the shadow regains his posture, "this could've been easy but now..."

They step into the light as they get closer to the man they just knocked to the ground, I look towards them to see a tall, lanky man with long black hair, his eye lids hanging low as the purple of his eye bags are highlighted by the street lights outside of the alleyway, "eraserhead...? one of the worst villains in the area?! shiiiiit.' I think to myself.

"I have to end you." Eraserhead says before he wraps his scarf around the criminal and pulls them to him.

My eyes widen at his words but before I can do anything Eraser has him in his grasp, beating the living shit out of him. I fall back against the wall that was behind me, my body shaking at the brutal sight.

After what felt like a lifetime, he drops the brute to the ground. His body life less, before I can run eraser looks at me; his eyes piercing my soul even through the dark, "So...what's a pretty little thing like you doing out this late?"

My body heats at his voice, "I- I- was just trying to get home and then..."

"yeah...I know kid, lets get you home then." he says tiredly,

I look at him with fear in my eyes, "Oh uh, I'm fine! please don't inconvenience yourself, I'll be home in no time!"

He scoffs as he steps closer to me, "I didn't save your life for no reason, I'm walking you home."

I can hear the irritation in his voice, the thought of never making it home if I tell him no crosses my mind so despite my best judgement I say, "O-okay, thank you eraser..."

His eyes scan my face then my body, "you know who I am and you're not trembling, that's new."

I laugh nervously, "well you did just safe my life, not very villain like of you."

He huffs, "you want a villain? cause I sure as hell could show you one."

"oh no! th-that's not-" I ramble in fear,

"calm down, I don't hurt women. get on my back." He says firmly.

I look at him like he grew two heads before he speaks, "I'm a villain; gonna have to get you home a different way."

I nod before walking over and climbing on his back, he grabs my thighs firmly as my legs wrap around him. He quickly jumps to the light post he was previously standing on then jumps onto the nearest building, "show me where to go." he demands more than asks, I reluctantly tell him where to go before he jumps into the night sky.

Aizawa x Reader OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon