Chapter 3: Rebel

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A tall red teen poked his head out from the large doors. Russian Empire stood up from his seat and sighed.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be doing something?" He asked. The boy must've been his son. Y/N didn't really pay much attention to history, only knowing a few flags.

"Sorry, Papa, I just wanted to see your friends." The boy said, his voice soft but also deep. He must be at least 16 or 17. The Russian Empire looked at the young butler/maid. "Y/N, do you mind taking my son to his room?" He asked.

Y/N nodded and walked over to the young boy. That's when Britain stood up. "I'll join them just in case the little bugger does something." Britain chuckled.

"But you'll be missing the meeting." Serbia said, Britain brushed it off and simply said France would tell him about the meeting when they headed back to their respected countries.

Russian Empire nodded and let Britain join Y/N and the teen. The three walked down the hallway.

"So what's your name?" Y/N asked the boy, wanting to break the silence. The teen huffs at the question but answered anyway.

"I'm USSR or Soviet Union." He said, "Father promised, showing me how to fight. So I could be a strong country when I grew up." He looked over at Britain and stopped walking.

"You know how to use a gun. Why don't you show me?" He asked, Britain paused and looked over at Soviet.

"I don't think your father would allow me to train you." Britain said. Soviet sighed and walked over to a large window.

"He's foolish.. letting his own people suffer under his reign. He knows everyone is unhappy, and he doesn't do anything about it." Soviet said, Y/N frowned at the words the teen have said about his own father.

"Serbia was thinking of training me, if you want you can join me." Y/N said, Soviet looks over his eyes gleaming from the light.

"Really?" He asked, Y/N smiled and nodded. The country smiled, and he continued walking down the hallway.

"Since when have Serbia asked training you?" Britain asked as he and Y/N started walking behind Soviet.

"Not long before you and France came. I walked with him earlier and he offered to train me in case I ever get in a bad situation." Y/N answered, Britain hums and had a small smile on his face.

"What a nice offer from a country like him. Listen well then, though I do trust you learn a lot from him." Britain said. He pats the young butler/maid's back and gave them a smile.

Soviet stopped at his room, and he opened the door. He walked inside and sat on his bed. Books were scattered everywhere. It looked like no one came in to clean his room.

Y/N started to clean the teens' room, putting the books away and organizing them while they heard Britain talking to Soviet.

A few hours later~

Y/N was outside with Serbia. They held up the countries pistol at the target. They pulled the trigger and hit the target in the chest. Serbia praised the butler/maid for their aim. Y/N smiled and looked over to see Soviet sitting and watching them.

"Why did you invite him again?" Serbia asked, Y/N smiled and nudges the country.

"The boy needs to learn too, so why not bring him along? Why train a butler/maid when you could be training a future country." Y/N answered, Serbia smirked and shook their head.

"Only because you looked fragile and weak, but also because of that cute face." Serbia said. He took the pistol from Y/N's hands and walked over to Soviet. He chatted with the teen, and the two started training. Y/N felt like they're being watched, they look up and saw the Russian Empire looking out the window. The empire left probably chatting with France and Britain still.

Y/N was cut off from their thoughts when the pistol went off. They turned around and saw that Soviet made a perfect shot, Serbia praised the young country and patted him on the back.

"Looks like Soviet is a better shooter than you! What shocker!" Serbia called out to the young butler/maid. Y/N smiled at the bond Serbia and Soviet were having.

Maybe this isn't so bad... is it?

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