Chapter 5: In the Dark of the Night

Start from the beginning

"I look like a raccoon," Zephyr said.

Angie rolled her eyes, but smiled anyway, "No you don't," her expression sobered, "How's it looking down there?"

"It looks like a guarded silo," Zephyr said.

"Figured that. Anything out of the ordinary I should know about?"

Zephyr glanced at the silo below, "Well, there isn't sort of alternative exit on what I think is the ground level. Only the heavily guarded main entrance is there."

"Good to know," Angie paused, "You still want to go, don't you?"

"Of course, I do Angie. But after what happened with Mari..." he rubbed the back of his neck.

Angie raised a suspicious brow, "What are you going to do?" she asked knowing he had something planned.

"I'm just going to lay low for a bit, train, and then beat the crap out of her. That's the plan."

"Okay, First, that's not a plan. That's a wish list. And second, it's a terrible wish list. Why would you even think of trying that?"

"Because, it's pretty obvious that Mari is the type of person who only sees physical strength. If I can beat her in a fight, she'll listen to me."

Angie swallowed her discomfort with this situation, "Zephyr, that is the most stupid thing I've ever heard. Mari doesn't see it like that. I mean some of her ancestors might have, but not her."

Zephyr rolled his eyes, "It doesn't change the fact that I'll have to prove I can do more than just scouting to her."

"You know Zephyr," she took a deep breath, "Maybe Mari is right. Maybe you should stop and go home to your family."

"Are siding with her now? You don't think I can do this either?"

"No, no! It's nothing like that...It's just...You have people to lose, and I don't want to see you get hurt."

Zephyr sighed, "You don't need to worry Angie, I'm not going to get hurt. Sure, I can't beat Mari in a fight, yet, but last time I checked superpowered chaos creatures are pretty rare."

"You haven't been reading our files, have you?" She deadpanned worryingly.

A sudden beeping from deeper into the cave sounded, catching Angie and Zephyr's attention.

"I got it!" They heard Sparky squeak.

They shared glance with each other before quickly heading towards the makeshift computer console that the little fox had set up. Sparky had pretty much worked with what he could carry to the cave. But the lack of sufficient equipment didn't slow the young inventor down. Connecting the varies pieces of tech, he could easily form something that allowed him to hack into the silo's network. Unlocking almost every file that place housed, including inventory, security cameras, and building schematics, all right at his fingertips (though the more encrypted ones he would have to dig through at home later).

"Got what? Spark," Zephyr asked as he leaned in next to the young fox.

"I finally got through this place's firewalls," Sparky said.

"Did you already download all the files? I'd hate for them to find you in the system, and we don't get that information," Angie said.

"Don't worry about it, Angie. These guys don't even know they've been breached, yet. And once I'm done, these guys won't be able to do anything about it," Sparky said.

"Well, done, Sparky," Mari said. Pulling herself from the wall she had been leaning on to join them. The chains that were wrapped around her forearms chimed and jangled as she walked. Angie, tried not shaking her head or rolling her eyes, while she knew the reason why Mari carried weapons and that chains were a way for her to honor her ancestry. It was still a little bit redundant with the powers the crossbreed already possessed.

A Second Wind: Book One, A Legacy FoundWhere stories live. Discover now