The Dinner Table

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In this chapter you will have already been with Miss.Peregrine and the other Peculiars for while.

TW: Self Harm and Negative Thoughts

Y/N: Your Name

Y/P: Your Peculiarity

It's almost dinner time and so far you have been able to avoid Miss.Peregrine. You weren't necessarily mad or anything at her. The past few days just have been pretty hard and you ended up relapsing. You promised yourself you wouldn't but you did and now you feel guilty more than ever. It would break you more if Miss.Peregrine ever saw what you did to yourself. You're looking through your closet trying to find some sweater or long sleeve to cover up the remains of last night. When suddenly there's a knock at your door causing you to jump. "Yes?" You say making your way over to the door, opening it your met with the most beautiful person. "Dinner is ready dear!" Miss.Peregrine says with a smile as she waits for you to put on your sweater. Luckily you faced away from her so she didn't see it...yet. Walking out as quick as you can and making it into the dining room. The only seat open was next to Miss.Peregrine and Claire. Great. As both of you sit down, you quickly hear Enoch "Look who decided to come out of their cave!" As he lets out a scoff. "That would be enough of that Enoch." A voice is soon followed by Miss.Peregrine. You always knew how to ignore Enoch's rude comments but today was already bad enough, it just made it worse. During the past few days it had also gotten pretty hard for you to eat just because it seems like a lot of work. But, you knew Miss.Peregrine would notice and say something. As you reach your arm over the table to grab the bowl of mash potatoes you hear the ymbryne let out a cough. Looking over at her you see she isn't making eye contact with you, when you follow her eyes you see that your sleeve lifted up to show enough cuts for her to know it wasn't an accident...Pulling your arm back as quick as you could and stretching your sleeve down as far is it could go. "Y/N dear, may I talk to you after dinner?" She states after a few seconds. "Of course Miss!" You say trying not to sound to nervous so the children would realize something is wrong. Time seemed to be your enemy today and went by pretty fast. Next thing you know Miss.Peregrine is leading all the children to the living room. "Y/N please stay here for me." She says holding your shoulder with a sympathetic smile. You just nod quickly as she leads the rest of the children out. Hearing the knob of the door turning pulls you out of your thoughts. There's a long silence as the woman sits down and waits to see if you'll talk first. She clears her throat and all she can get out is "why?" As her throat feels too dry. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." Replying with tears filling your eyes. The one thing you didn't want her to see, she saw the worst part of you and it hurt both of you. There's another long silence as both of you don't know what to say. "I'm really sorry...I was just in so much pain and it was the only way to divert the pain on the inside to the outside." You make out as you turn into a sobbing mess and hyperventilating. "Hey hey, hun it's okay I'm here now okay?" Miss.Peregrine says as a tear escapes her eye and brings you into the tightest hug. Not being able to say anything through your cry's the ymbryne just holds you tight never letting go. "Shhh shhh, your okay now, I'm right here sweetheart nothing can hurt you." Whispering sweet nothings in your ear. This is what you need. Someone to show they actually cared about you and she knew that somehow. "Did you clean them hun?" Alma says breaking the hug and places both hands on your cheek making your eyes meet. Being your mouth is pretty dry and your just exhausted you shake your head. "Well we should do that then so they don't get infected hun." Grabbing your hand lightly and bringing you to the bathroom. She cleans up the wounds pretty easily and doesn't hesitate to bring you back into a hug. "Please talk to me when you feel like this again, I don't wanna loose you." This time you break the hug "I will, I promise." You say going to open the bathroom door. When you guys make it to the living room all the children are sitting and patiently waiting. Miss.Peregrine turns off the lights and signals to Horace. As all the children watch Horaces dreams you smile, for some reason they made you so happy. This was your home. Standing next to Miss.Peregrine she soon unexpectedly puts her soft warm hands in yours. It fit perfectly. This is where you're meant to be...

Hey guys! I know I haven't really posted any new chapters it's just hard because of school but I'm trying!! I'm sorry this is a little short but I wanted to get something out for you and vent a little. :))

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