Beach Day

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In this chapter you will have already been with Miss.Peregrine and the other Peculiars for while.

TW: Body Dysmorphia 

Y/N: Your Name

Y/P: Your Peculiarity

Waking up to the sound of your alarm. You reach over to grab your phone that's on the night stand next to your bed. Accidentally your phone was on the edge of the dresser so it fell. Frick. You get up and pick your phone up off the floor. Luckily it wasn't cracked! When you walk over to your calendar you see that today your going to the beach with everyone in the house. In an hour. You rush to start getting ready so you weren't the last one. Deciding not to wear makeup and not doing your hair because you were going in the water anyways. So, it was actually pretty easy getting ready. Heading to the bathroom, you brush your teeth and brush through your hair. But, now you had to pick your bathing suit. Recently you've been struggling with your body and how it looks. All your bathing suits are the same style so you just pick a random one not really caring anymore. Putting it on, you looked in the mirror. Ew. But you knew Miss.Peregrine would force you to come and so would the children so you tried to forget it. Putting on a quick t-shirt and shorts, you grab your towel, phone and head downstairs where everyone is waiting at the door. "Glad your ready on time!" The ymbryne said while opening the door letting the peculiars go out first. The beach wasn't too far from the house, it was about a 5 minute walk so you guys got there pretty easily.

Some Time Skips:

Everyone set up their towels and chair, all the children started running into the ocean almost right away. You watch as they all splash around and go under when waves come by. It was the best feeling watch them, you felt so happy for them. Looking over, you see Miss.Peregrine sitting in her beach chair. She had a dark blue one piece on that had a little skirt one it. She was beautiful. Not realizing how long you've been staring, "Y/N?" She says waving her hand in your face. "Sorry, just a bit tired still..." you say looking down at your feet trying not to blush at the stunning woman beside you. "Why don't you go for a swim?" She asks curiously. "Oh, I'm fine here but thanks!" Saying as you sit back on your towel. Truth is you didn't want anyone to see your body. It just...wasn't good enough. As your thoughts allow you to loose track of what's going on around you when you look up your eyes widened. Miss.Peregrine was in the water splashing with the kids! How?! She seems so serious all the time, this was definitely a sight. When she catching you staring again she motions for you to come in with shake your head. Thinking she was gonna drop it, you realize she coming towards you out of the water. Okay, don't freak out. "Y/N, come have some fun with us!!" She said grabbing your hands. "I can't..." saying as you slowly let go of the woman's hands. "What's going on hun?" Concerned Miss.Peregrine puts her warm palms against your cheeks, forcing you to keep eye contact. "I don't know, I just look ugly." Trying to laugh it off a bit because you were so nervous. "Hey, you're beautiful and me nor the kids will make fun of how you look alright? If they do, let me know and I'll have a talk with them!" She says with a serious face but a little smirk. You laugh at her comment and just think whatever. So you take off the t-shirt and shorts so it's just your bathing suit. Covering your stomach as much as you could with your arms. Surprising you Miss.Peregrine grabs your hands and runs to the water with your hands in hers. All the kids started screaming and getting excited that you were coming in with them. "Yay! Y/N your here!!" Claire says while swimming up to you and attempting to give you a hug. Just smiling, you suddenly feel water splashed all over your backside. When you look behind you it's no other than Miss.Peregrine. "What was that for?!" You say sarcastically while laughing. "Just teasing..." she says as she winks and swims away. "I'll distract her and you jump on her back okay?!" Hearing Abe whisper into your ear causing a smile to widen on your face. "Deal." As you start swimming to the back side of her. Abe started talking to her right away. Then, next thing you know your one her back and she's trying to get you off. "This is payback!" As you both laugh hysterically. "Fine." Miss.Peregrine says with a tone as if she knows something. Out of no where, right when you let go of her she quickly grabs your lower legs and throws you backwards into the water. Catching your breathe when you got back up, you look around to find that she's someone already back in her beach chair. How does that woman move around so fast? Oh, yeah she's a bird. She waves at you with an evil smirk and you stick your tongue out at her like a kid. Her face turns serious and snaps her had the other way. You giggle at her response and head out too, before you don't have time to dry off. Ending up laying in the sun for about 10 minutes you hear Miss.Peregrine, "Alright children, we should start heading home!" Yelling catching all their attentions. All of them moan in disappointment, even Abe. I swear that old man is such a child sometimes. We all clean up pretty easily since there were so many of us and we head home.
The whole day those two words were stuck in my head, "you're beautiful..." did she really think so? Someone as stunning as her, thinks I'm beautiful?!

Heyyyy besties, I'm sorry I haven't updated and stories in awhile it's just rlly hard because of school now but I will be trying to write at least once a week but I apologize in advance if I don't! I love y'all <3

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