💚Imagine: Happy Birthday (T.L. x Reader)💚

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You had been on a girl's trip for the past week and were excited to go home and celebrate your fiance's birthday with him. 

It was about 2 AM on October 3rd. You opened the door and were attacked by hugs from Tommy. 

"Love, I missed you so much," Tommy screamed. 

"I missed you too, happy birthday, honey," you said, hugging him as he kissed your head. 

"Want some wine or something to celebrate?" Tommy offered. 

"Baby, I'm sorry, I'd love to, but I'm so exhausted," you replied. 

"Okay, well I've been sleeping on the couch since you've been gone, so I guess if you want to go to sleep I'll go with you and snuggle you," Tommy suggested. 

You nodded and Tommy picked you up bridal style, along with his wine. 

"Woohoo!" he screamed. 

He collapsed, dropping you into the bed.

"Fuck, I forgot how comfy this bed was," Tommy sighed, opening the wine bottle. 

"Why didn't you sleep in this bed?" you asked. 

"It's not the same without you," he said. 

"Aww baby," you cooed. 

Tommy drank his wine and snuggled you as you slowly drifted off to sleep. 

(the next morning)

You woke up and turned over kissing your boyfriend, who was asleep. 

You got out of bed and into a sexy robe, and began making Tommy his favorite breakfast. 

You began cutting up vegetables and Tommy walked in.

"You didn't have to do this, sexy," Tommy smiled, wrapping you in his arms and kissing.

"Yes I did, love. It's your birthday and you deserve a special day," you replied.

"Just having you here makes me the happiest," Tommy said.

"Well how about breakfast in bed with me?" you offered.

"Well, we might get distracted, but I'm not gonna argue," he replied.

You spent the next half hour finishing breakfast for Tommy and making sure it was all perfect, only to fond that he had fallen back asleep.

You put your arms around him, "Baby,  I made breakfast."

"I'm tired," TOmmy mumbled. 

"Well, I don't know what you want me to do about that mister," you said. 

"Maybe lay down and snuggle me," Tommy suggested. 

You hopped into bed and kissed Tommy's forehead. 

He began tickling you and your abs hurt from laughing so much. 

"I'll stop when you say you love me," Tommy giggled, as you laughed your ass off. 

"I love you, asshole," you muttered. 

"I love you too, gorgeous," he smiled. 

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