Episode 17: The Mystery blader revealed!

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Jio: so, seth seems different

Ashton: yeah, I hope he's ok.

???: I found you guys!

Aiden: again? really?

???: you thought i was done with you? *laughs*

Juno: What do you want and who even are you?

???: allow we to formally introduce myself! I'm kassidy klynn and I'm here to Destroy you all!

Ashton: well Kassidy, I'd like to see you try!

Kassidy: *Pulls out his bey* Allow me to formally introduce my bey as well, Screech Kukulcan!

Ashton: I'll put an end to you quickly!

~at the stadium~

Kassidy/Ashton: 3...2...1..

Juno: ashton seem's to be going left attack mode, Is he trying to break Kukulcan?

Jio: Attack versus attack? what kind of strategy is that

Kasidy/ashton: Let it rip!

*Kukulcan and ares land in the stadium*

Ashton: Nuclear clash!

*Ares would lean forward on the rubber of the Nuclear driver and jolt forward towards Kukulcan*

Kassidy: Thunderbolt Upper!

*kukulcan would use two of it;s beaks to launch ares into the air, ringing it out*

Aiden: 1 point, screech kukulcan

Ashton: you won't get so lucky next time!

Kassidy/Ashton: 3...2...1... Let it rip!

*kukulcan and ares would land in the stadium*

Kassidy: screech voltage!

*the 4 beaks on the screech blade would line up and Kukalcan would smash into Ares, the area would engulf in white*

Ashton: ares!

Kassidy: Kukulcan!

*the white clears, cracks could be seen in ares, ares was sent back by the impact, kukulcan would burst but ares would explode into Many peices*

Ashton: No!

Aiden: I guess Kassidy wins, Ashton cant continue without a bey.

*ashton would be seen crying holding the peices of ares*

Aiden: ashton?

*ashton would walk away without responding*

~Time skip~

*there would be a knock on the door*

Ashton: go away

Aiden: you can't stay in there forever!

Jio: yeah come on out!

Ashton: No

Aiden: fine.

~Meanwhile, in ashton's room~

Ashton: hmmm

*He would be watching seth's battle with kassidy*

Ashton: that system...

*He would zoom in on the system*

Ashton: What a interesting system

*he would run out of his room*

Aiden: ashton?

Ashton: be back soon, Don't follow me!

*he would run down to a old abandoned house*

Ashton: fianlly.... here... why... did... I... Run...

*he would flick at a light switch*

Ashton: come on...

*the lights would come on*

Ashton: Anyone here

???: Who's there?

Ashton: it's ashton

???: what brings you back here ashton?

*he'd drop the broken parts of ares on a table*

???: oh i see

*an old man would come out of a shadowy area, he would press his hand against a bad next to a large metal door, the door would screech open, showing a bunch of high tech bey stuff*

Ashton: Thanks, Mr. Tensai!

Mr.Tensai: be careful of lut, He might be in there

*ashton would walk into the room*

???: who let you in?

Ashton: Mr.Tensai did

???: oh well stay out of my way!

Ashton: ok Lut!

Lut: how do you know my name?

Ashton: Reasons!

Lut: i've got my eyes on you!

to be continued...

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