Episode 16: Revenge! Seth strikes Back!

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Jio: Anyone Heard from Seth lately

Aiden: no, I don't think we will.

???: *Evilly laughs* Now scram You little kid.

Ashton: Ugh him again.

Seth: I will end You once and for all!

???: you again, i thought i got rid of you, who are you anyways.


Jio: Seth! Seth? Is that you

*Seth would ignore him*

Seth: Your weak, who ever you are.

???: you Are mistaken, I am strong in the dark, I did not see the light until it was too late then it was just blinding to me.

Seth: You merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, molded by it.

???: You think you know true darkness? you're pathetic.

Seth: I prefer a real villain to a false hero.

???: who do you think you are?

Seth: I am The god of darkness!

???: Your pathetic, you think you are darkness?

Ashton: whats gotten into you Seth.

Seth: The truth, Heroes Are Forgettable. They Try To Save The World... But Villains Are The Ones Who Change It.

Ashton: That's not true.

Seth: your weak, and hopeless if you still think heroes win.

Ashton: No, You misunderstood, the real destiny is met with good not evil.

Seth: You underestimate the power of the Dark Side. If you will not fight, then you will meet your destiny!

???: you two done yet?

Ashton: Shut it, Mr.Darkness

*???'s dark resonance would flare *

???: I'm every nightmare you've ever had. I'm your worst dream come true. I'm everything you ever were afraid of.

Seth: enough! It's time to end you once and for all

???: With what? that Satan bey i destroyed

Seth: speak of the devil and he shall appear! Meet my new bey! Bane Satan.

Aiden(Thoughts): A unique system? Hmm...

*Seth and ??? would put there beys on there launchers*

Seth/???: 3...2...1... Let it Rip!

*Satan and ???'s bey would land in the stadium*

Seth: Bane Spin!

*Satan would take the center and spin on the universe' driver and absorb attacks with the rollers*

???: Destroy it! Upper Attack!

*???'s bey would smash into satan with it's blades*

Seth: You'll never get through my perfect defense!

???: ahhhh *resonance would flare* Again! attack again!

*???'s bey would strike satan again and again, both beys being knocked back and rushing back in*

Seth: Ahhh *His resonance would flare*

*a large white ball of energy would start to engulf the area, it would cover the area for a few second then clear, when it cleared you could see that both beys had been burst*

???: No! No way! impossible!

Seth: The way i see it, i might have lost but I dragged you with me.

*???'s resonance would flare again*

???: You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me. I will end You, Whatever your name is. *He would pick up his bey and walk away*

Seth: Don't turn your back on me, Embrace me, This is your destiny! To cripple at me knees, All of you will fall, And I will Be the cause.

Ashton: why are you like this!

Seth: Fear me little one, I am your king, your emperor, your tyrant! Fear. Fear. FEAR ME!

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