Episode 14: The Mystery team

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Announcer: Welcome back folks we got a banger for you, Seth Harwell, and Leo scortan vs a mystery team!

*Seth and Leo would walk to the stadium*

Seth: so who's this mystery team I get to destroy.

*The roaring of helicopter blades could be heard*

???: Hope I'm not late.

Ashton: No way! It's him

*??? would look Ashton dead in the eye*

Leo: Where is your partner?

???: You'll see!

*A helicopter would be heard once again*

Announcer: No way! It's the Prodigy Blader Codin!

Jio: Coding? what

Aiden: Codin Is here?

Seth: Not sorry but who are you?

Codin: I'm the prodigy blader Codin!

Ref: First Battle!

*Codin & Leo would put their beys in High mode*
Everyone: 3...2...1...

Codin/???/seth/Leo: Let it rip!

*all four beys would land in the stadium*

Seth: Go now! Satan!

*Satan would move towards the middle of the stadium*

Codin: Eternal Rampage!

*Chronos would smash into Satan* several times*

Leo/Seth: Now! Insanity Jolt!

*Chronos would bounce of satans rollers causing Chronos to be forced into longinus' attack*

???: Time to strike! Now!

*???'s bey would smash into Longinus, Longinus would be sent flying*

Seth: Insanity Drifter!

*Satan would move around on the free-spinning ring of Saturn, hitting Chronos.

Codin: Tight rope Bomber!

*Chronos would be hit up onto the wall of the stadium, spin around gaining speed and drop back down flying at satan*

Seth: Again! Insanity Drifter!

*Satan would move out of the way and Chronos would hit ???'s bey, bursting Chronos*

Announcer: only The mystery bey and Satan Remain!

???: End this! Destroy Satan!

Seth: Satan!

*Satan would emerge from the bey in purple and green flames, You could see the tip of the Saturn driver twist in and it would speed up*

Seth: Ultra awakening! Saturn Spin!

*The Saturn driver could be seen free-spinning, Satan would smash into the ???'s bey. the scene turned white and you could see cracks forming in satan*

???: End it for good!

*Satan would break into 4 pieces*

Seth: uh- *He would run backstage*

*??? would laugh and leave in the helicopter*

~Later that day~

Ashton: Hey Seth. You ok?

Seth: yeah I'm fine, *He'd try to hold the tears back*

Aiden: It's ok, we'll help you create a new and improved Satan!

Seth: I'm done with Beyblade!

Jio: What!

*there would be a knock at the door*

Codin: Hey, sorry to interrupt but, sorry about him. I had no clue he was gonna do that.

Seth: It's too late, I'm done with Beyblade.

Codin: come on don't be like that, You can create another bey and beat him Next time!

Seth: THERE ISN'T GONNA BE A NEXT TIME! *he'd run out*

Aiden: Is he gonna be ok?

JIo: I think he just needs some time.

???: Your Next, Jio!

JIo: In your dreams!

Juno: Hey guys, What'd I miss?

Ashton: Where have you been? you missed the match.

Aiden: Seth got his bey destroyed...

Juno: Oh, that's horrible

Jio: Yeah, it was.

Juno: I was designing a new part for my bey.

Aiden: Oh? Like a gear?

Juno: Yes, The Silence gear.

*She'd show them the Silence gear*

Jio(Thoughts): A 6 bladed Forge Disc attachment, It seems to incorporate rubber and metal into the design, amazing!

Juno: Yeah It's so cool, If I put it on this way it has a round, defensive shape that allows for extra spin speed and weight. and if I attach it the other way it pushes the rubber blades out and the attack power is far better and it can attack the opponent's disk and lower their spin power. the metal inside the blade adds OWD and weight to Jormungand

Ashton/Aiden/Jormungand: wow cool!

Juno: Of course it's cool!

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