Chapter 2 - Pick Up Lines And Candy

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Hi hi hi! Uhm a little note regarding a detail from the first chapter (aka the answer to the question "WHOS JEZEBEL") Not gonna lie I sometimes forget that not everyone is as interested in Christianity/Religion as I am. Jezebel is a Biblical figure from the Hebrew Bible. Without spoiling too much (because it gets Important at some point in this story... simply because she's a character in this book now too xD) she was the wife of Ahab (King of Israel), reigned over Tyre and Sidon, she instituted the worship of Baal and Asherah (two devils) and killed everyone who was spreading the word of God. She also sacrificed babies... so that detail wasn't my idea, it's what the Bible says. I took Jezebel as a name for the villain here because it fit into this story and we love a good reference to Christianity in fantasy stories xD The picture you see above is a colored version of a painting from 1866 called "The Death of Jezebel" painted by Gustave Doré. It's literally her getting pushed off a balcony because people hated her xD.

Now. Enough bragging about my knowledge and let's get into the story.


Cady couldn't sleep that night.

'The girl who lived' were the only words which were still ringing in her ears over and over again. Will that be the only way her classmates would see her? As the girl who survived one of the most powerful witches in the wizarding world? Would she ever get the chance to truly be herself? And be accepted as the person she is? She felt uneasy. Even the little hoots from her owl Hagrid got her as a pet wouldn't calm her. So she laid awake, terrified of what's going to happen.


The next morning wasn't any better. She was tired, barely catching on, on what Hagrid was saying to her. She numbly pushed her trolley in front of her, Snowy - her owl - was in her cage excited as ever screeching when they came to a halt between gate nine and ten.

"This is it. The gate is right there." Hagrid pointed to the brick wall between gates nine and ten.

"Which one?"

"Oh none of the two you might think." He grinned as if it was obvious. But Cady only looked at him in confusion.

"Okay." Hagrid sighed. "All you have to do is to run towards the barrier between the gates nine and ten. Don't stop, and don't be scared to crush into it. Do a bit of a run if you're nervous."

Cady stared at him and then onto the barrier. Two days ago she would've laughed. But did she really have a choice by now? It was 10:50. The train would depart 11:00. She turned to Hagrid going in for a much needed hug which he gladly gave her, squeezing her shoulders tightly.

"Thank you." She whispered as her eyes filled with tears.

"Anytime, kid. Anytime. Now go. You don't wanna miss the train."

So she took one last glance at Hagrid, gripping her trolley and started walking towards the barrier.

Cady walked more quickly. She was going to smash right into that ticket box and then she'd be in trouble. Leaning forward onto her trolley she broke into a heavy run, the barrier was coming nearer and nearer. She wouldn't be able to stop, the trolley was out of control. She was a foot away, and closed her eyes ready for the crash.

It didn't come.

She kept on running.

She opened her eyes.

A scarlet steam engine was waiting next to a platform packed with people. A sign overhead said Hogwarts Express, 11 o'clock. Cady looked behind her and saw a wrought-iron archway where the ticket box had been, with the words Platform Nine and Three Quarters on it.

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