A Demon was Summoned

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Chorna was just settling into a nap when they felt a familiar pull at the back of their neck. The pull that usually precedes being summoned by some self righteous asshole that thinks he has what it takes to handle them, Chorna the demon of chaos and destruction. They bellowed and hurled their fluffy unicorn pillow (don't ask, they will only deny owning it) across the room, before being pulled fully into the vortex of shadows and light that had opened up, in their room, once again leaving their carefully put together decor and furniture in disarray.

Disgruntled they appeared, slowly taking form from their feet till their head. They took a few moments to appraise their surroundings, and also to gather themself. being torn into several shreds of shadow and light really takes it out of you (it's a good thing demons look threatening, no one approaches them as they wait to get feeling back in their legs). Chorna was in an abandoned factory of some sort (of course only their room gets destroyed), the high warehouse ceilings, conveyor belts and random machinery that has gathered years of dust, is a sight Chorna, like several other demons, have gotten accustomed to. Honestly, you'd think people would have the common decency to respect someone they need help from, at the very least a little dusting and maybe a couch to actually sign a pleasant deal.

As their eyes travelled further down the clearing they had been summoned to, they saw a human in an oversized black cloak, holding a heavy tome. The same heavy tome, their friends left on earth as a prank.

He growled. They had destroyed it as soon as they first got summoned, but alas, copies had already been made, and humans are stupid. Chorna had to go get another connection, to stay in touch with his family and friends, cause unlike widely assumed, even demons have a social life.

A little ways further from the idiot human (that was very visibly shaking at the sight of the seven foot tall demon), was a large red circle painted on the floor with lots of archaic symbols Chorna didn't even understand. Then their eyes fell to the poor soul who lay bleeding in the middle. A young girl, maybe nearing twenty, with parched lips, and a lithe body, lay quivering in the cold bleeding from a precise slice between her left ribs, a yellow dress being her only respite from the cold. As Chorna started moving into the circle, the boy started talking, "Oh foul demon! I have summoned you to-"

He cut off abruptly in confusion when they took off their sheepskin blanket and crouched to wrap it around the poor girl, who cowered from them.

"Are you okay, queen?"

The girl's eyes widened, as she stared in a haze, eyes slightly clouding over.

The boy, not having heard the tender exchange, continued, "I have this young maiden as an offering-" Chorna growled.

Who the hell does he think he is?

They rose to their full height.

Why the human guys always think they have summoned Chorna, when the girl is the one bleeding, they will never know. They do know however, this idiot won't ever dream of hurting their mistress, again.

They stalked the quaking boy who somehow managed not to pee in his pants or step back. When Chorna stopped in front of him he knew he fucked up. The demon rose so tall the boy had to stretch his neck as high as he could to even look past their bare red chest.

Chorna hated being summoned, but they couldn't deny they had fun when scaring the stupid ones. They let out a roar that rivalled rolling thunder and stretched out their large, leathery bat-like wings for good measure. They gave him a razing glare and ripped the tome out of his hands, ripping the heavy volume in half and scattering the pages around him.

The boy's heart was in his mouth, all his hair stood on end, and he felt an electric chill run down his spine. Fear gripped his neck like a vice, making him unable to move, much less breath for a few seconds.

Chorna roared once again. This one snapped him out of his panic stricken statue state and he threw himself back, tripping on his bookbag and falling to the ground.

Chorna took a step forward and sent the boy scrambling off the floor in a clumsy panic and bolting as far away as possible from them.

Chorna huffed in the boy's direction as he watched him race out of the factory shutters, attempt to climb the metal fence, fall off a few times, until finally making it past and keep running. Chorna didn't expect his skinny legs and teensy heart could take that much cardio.

They turned back to see the girl had been laying flat on the floor, holding the blanket tight around herself, pressing down on her wound with a section of it bunched up, so as to not bleed out. Her earth-brown eyes watched him curiously.

Smart girl. Chorna decided they liked smart girls.

They made their way to her quickly, and kneeled down next to her, "I'm going to fix this up, are you okay with that?"

The girl nodded, and they proceeded to pull the blanket away from the wound, gently. They placed both hands on the wound and spoke a healing spell out loud and clear.

The wound stitched itself back together, and she was left feeling really sore on the side. She looked at the dark crimson face, framed by large ram horns that circled to loops atop his head. "Thank you."

Chorna smiled, it may have come off as menacing because of his sharp teeth, but The girl knew they wouldn't go through the trouble of healing her, only to hurt her. "Your name, miss?" They asked with a heady rasp to their voice.

She smiled. "Enid."

"Chorna," They responded.

They helped her up and advised her to go to a doctor just in case anything was wrong, and turned around to start picking up the scattered pages. Enid helped him pick them up, and burn all the pages. Chorna let her lean on them till they got out of the building, where they promptly picked her up and cradled her securely, once again stretching out their wings and taking off, only to land outside a hospital. Enid thanked them once again, and told them they could go back home.

Chorna, upon being dismissed, disappeared in another swirl of shadows and light, satisfied with the new friend they made. They were thankful she was very lovely.

They popped back into their room.

They groaned, at the sight of their previously beautiful room laying in bedlam.

Ironic, huh, a chaos demon wanting an orderly room. Well, there is only so much chaos one can take, and like most others that work a nine to five, They hate their job.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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