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Jungkook walks back to his room making sure no one sees him. What would they say if they saw him going to the bathroom at 1 am to change his underwear?

But it's not his fault. The dance Taehyung gave him a few minutes a go, together with the dirty talk of the stripper was enough for Jungkook to make a mess. Again. Like almost everytime he does this.

Tae smiles seeing him enter with that shy expression and sweaty body after holding himself from breaking the rules. It amazes him how the other can reach his climax without him touching him. But now, his job is completed and he can focus on what he really wants to do. Spend some time with his crush.

In the meantime of Jungkook going to the bathroom, he made sure to check for things to do. He knows the room very well since he's the one to clean it. And he has a good idea of what the other likes.

- You have a lot of videogames

- Uh? O-Oh, yeah

- And Disney movies! Can we watch one? I'm not sure you have the energy for playing games after all hahaha

Jungkook isn't sure how to answer. Is it disrespectful to say no? It's not that he doesn't want to spend time with him! It's just that...well, he's just a client why would he want to do that? However, seeing Tae's boxy smile he can't refuse. Not with him looking so exited.

- S-Sure

Tae is the one to pick the movie while Jungkook simply panics inside. How is he supposed to act? What is he supposed to say? He never talks to anyone, he has no social skills, no idea of what people do in this situations.

- Oh, this one! I never saw it before!

He plays "The Princess and the Frog" and sits by his side. It's a weird atmosphere for Jungkook. Now that he's not horny anymore, thanks to what happened earlier, time passes differently. He doesn't know what to do but Tae seems so comfortable that it helps him relax. It helps him know he's not being a burden or an idiot

- The villain's song is fire, I'm gonna sing it all day tomorrow, I know it!

- H-He's queer-coded t-too

Tae has to try his best not to show his excitement. Finally, the other answered his comment after minutes of silence.

- What do you mean?

He makes sure Jungkook notices how interested he really is. The poor boy looks like he's scared of saying the wrong thing all the time. What kind of life did he have to be this scared of his own words?

- Disney likes t-to make the villains look gay. That's why they tend to be more delicate and flamboyant than the h-hero. You know, like Scar or Ursula. Her design was actually inspired in a Drag Queen that...sorry, I talked too much

- I like hearing you. You don't need to be scared of talking too much, did you ever hear me? I don't shut up. Like ever

- Yeah b-but your fun

- So are you!

Taehyung's wide smile makes Jungkook blush. Why is Kim Taehyung so perfect in every way? He looks away from the beautiful boy and tries to focus on the movie again. Slowly, the night goes by and Tae rests his head on his chest. If he didn't feel like he's crossing a limit, Jungkook would hold him closer.

The comments come and go, and soon enough Jungkook allows himself to relax even more and laugh out loud making Tae proud of himself. He loves seeing him more comfortable and happy.

Tae is the first one to fall asleep and even if he would love to, Jungkook can't let him stay in his bed. If his brother finds out, he's fucked. So he takes the boy in his arms and takes him to his room. There, an annoyed and surprisingly awake Jimin waits for them

- Finally, you bring him back! I've been waiting all night!

He of course apologizes and leaves the room. Not without first seeing the two best friends share a bed. Jimin being half naked next to him. On his way out he can't get him off his mind. He remembers why he liked him in the first place. But also what his relation with him is now. After all, he can't avoid thinking he does with Jimin the same things he does with him...

The next day, Tae wakes up with Jimin hugging the life out of him. That's enough for him to know something is wrong.

- Bad night, Minnie?

- Mhm...

- What happened now?

- Min said I was bad at business

- That's not what the income of our club said

- I know

- You're smart

- I know

- The smartest in the planet

- I...doubt it, but thanks

They chuckle and look at each other. Those eyes...

- You thought about Agust D again, didn't you?

- Maaaaybe....

- Jimin!

- Well I couldn't help it! And you were with Jeon all night and I had to cry on my own!

His dramatic tone makes Tae roll his eyes.

- Don't go around blaming me, and stop thinking about that idiot

- Yes, Tae - He changes his sad tone for a different one - So...did you have fun last night? Jeon looked tired when he brought you here, princess style

- We just watched a movie! And it was pretty fun actually

- Did you focus on the movie at all?

- For your information yes I did! The protagonist girl reminds me of you and Min

-...That sentence has at least one big lie in it

- She was a workaholic like him and chased her dreams over anything like you! And then there's a Prince who's an idiot and ruins everything just because he hates working

- Why am I not surprised of the manly protagonist being an idiot?

- Yeah, they always are

After some more talk about each other's night they get dressed and start working. The breakfast has to be ready for when the rest wakes up, so they're the first ones up. After everything is ready they see each and every one of the CEOs go for their coffee. Of course Yoongi being the first one.

Unlike other days, they all have breakfast together. Probably because they all want to spend time with Namjoon after so long, and a morning together is not bad. The last one to join them is Jungkook, who's not wearing a suit and prefers a banana milk before a coffee.

- So you're coming to work today, right Kook?

- Mhm

The younger is still tired to answer correctly even if it's Namjoon who's talking.

- I'm so glad you're back Nam, he's been locked in his room for years even though he could've been working with me! At least now he can see what the adult's life is like!

Tae sees them leave for work and smiles. All of them look so different from the younger. A rich boy who hates to work. Just like the Prince of the movie.

- Let's just hope you don't ruin anything...

Next Chapter

Is this how you'll treat your future wife someday?

So you do know about music!


I like this chapter, and I love Jungkook he makes me soft. He's a little dumb but I love his lazy antisocial ass 💚❤️

By the way, the queer-coding is a real thing. They wanted people to think that being gay was bad so they made villains look queer. But it didn't work because now we all love villains more than protagonists HAHAHA

Anyway! See you on Thursday for some Yoonmin!

- Baby Y

Strippers and CEOs - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now