(12) Dec 31, 2019 - Predictions for 2020: The Year of Transformation

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Channeling #12 – with Nicholas – Predictions for 2020: The Year of Transformation


ME speaking to M: Someone is there. I'm not sure if it's somebody I've met before?

NICHOLAS: Hello, Alan and M. This is my first time communicating in this way with Alan. He can kind of almost see me.

ME: I see someone who seems almost like a Santa Claus. It seems like a fairly big fellow but dressed all in white with a white beard.

NICHOLAS: Yes, that's me. And as you know, we don't really have names. But, since it is the season, you can call me Nicholas. I do have a bit of a sense of humor.

So, you want to know about 2020, the coming year. 2020—that is a very distinct number. M is very much into numbers that balance each other, that have symmetry, as you know. And 2020 is one of those numbers. 2-0 is symmetrical with 2-0. Numbers like that are very significant. Although most people in your physical reality don't think much of the whole idea of numerology, of numbers and their significance.

The thing is, all numbers have significance, but especially symmetrical numbers. When numbers repeat the same number twice, or some variation of that, it seems like it was done on purpose, like somebody planned that. And, in fact, in almost every instance, that is true.

But, to operate in your physical reality, you don't need to know that. You don't have to pay attention to those symmetrical numbers and try to figure out their meanings. But they do have meaning. They all have a message. You need to turn inside and use the inner senses, the intuition within oneself (and voices like me), to translate those numbers and their meanings.

And 20-20 is a big one for the entire planet. Because pretty much the whole Earth is now tied into this calendar numbering system. Even countries like China that use alternate ways of numbering their years also use this global numbering system. So, this is a significant year for the entire planet.



If we look at the past year, it was a huge year of transition, especially for Alan, but also for M because she is along on the ride with Alan. Some of that appeared on the horizon at the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019. But once 2019 got started, the most likely trajectory was clear.

Several things came up in Alan's career. Some of the unexpected things was finding people to replace him in his department, both as the Chairperson and as an instructor in his field of study. That allowed him to retire sooner than later.

Another was getting into gongs. At the beginning of 2019, there were no gongs in your house. And look where you are now. Alan is setting up a gong business after taking beginning and advanced sound healing courses. Plus, there was the yoga teacher training and, of course, Alan lying in bed sick and discovering a channeling class – and then becoming a channeler. That was all very unexpected.

It has been a year where he had almost no control over what he was doing. He knew he had to do these things as they emerged. That was especially strong starting with the decision to do the yoga teacher training course. And then even more so with the decision to bring his gong and sound skills to the world.

Those are examples of this energy that is coming in this transition into the year 2020. Those are the types of things that will be happening to a lot of people, not just Alan. So much of what happens to Alan is also happening to M, even though she is not in the driver's seat, so to speak. But it all impacts her, as well.

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