Malikah: Cursed

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I must have chosen my words well, because my Princess practically glows with joy. It feels me with purpose, with peace, with warmth, and for the first time in my life, I feel like I'm beginning to understand who I am supposed to be.

I give Malikah a little squeeze as we walk, loving the brush of her body against mine, the feel of my large hand on her small shoulder. The contrast is breathtaking, makes me ache with my need to protect her—even though I know her size misrepresents her strength. We are both strong, but between the two of us, she's certainly the stronger, both in mind and power. I like to think I'm stronger bodied, but Vampire power supplements their physicality enough to make me uncertain.

"What're you thinking about?" Malikah asks, walking with me through the boys' shoes and into the men's.

"That I'm blessed to have such a strong Mate," I answer without hesitation.

She rolls her eyes, "That's such a Weildon thing to be thinking about."

I shrug, "Well, you asked."

Jackie and my father summon us to try on shoes they've found, and the rest of the day fades into a Hallmark movie about a family rediscovering each other. I don't trust it... but it's still nice.

When we're near home, Jackie clears her throat. She looks a little uncertain, a little anxious, and I already know she's getting ready to lie.

Next to me, Malikah grabs her nose, as if smelling something foul, and meets my eye.

She's lying, Malikah mouths even as Jackie stutters, "S-so, Cam, I, um, have a broken... thing... at my house."

Cam's brows furrow, and he glances at her, clearly noting her body language. "Is that right?"

She nods and clears her throat again, throwing a glance our way before turning her attention back to him, "So, I was thinking, now that I have a big, strong, manly boyfriend that maybe he'd like to come over and fix my... thing."

A smile slowly tilts Cam's lips, "You askin' me to come over, Jackie?"

She blushes but takes a deep breath and admits, "Yes, Cam. I am."

"I'd be happy too, darlin'."

I watch her shoulders sag in relief, and I nearly laugh. Did she really think my father would turn down that offer?

We stop at the entrance of the trailer park, and when my father exits the truck to check the mail, Jackie turns around to look at us, sternly. "I'm buying the two of you some time. Resolve those unresolved issues."

Malikah snorts, "Are you seriously telling us that you arranged that for us?"

Jackie lifts a brow, "I'm already sleeping with Cam. Why would location make any difference?"

Before either of us can reply, Cam's climbing back into the cab of the truck, and Malikah and I turn around, cuddling together in the truck bed.

She takes my hand and traces nonsense designs on the back.

"That feels amazing," I groan.

Her hand pauses for a second, long enough for me to lift my eyes to meet hers, and she whispers, "Maybe we should take her advice."

My guts twist a second before cold sweat breaks out on my skin, "I-we-no!"

My garbled, gasped denial falls into the silence between us as she continues to trace her fingernails over my hand, my arm, and each individual finger.

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