Chapter 8 - Making Amends

Start from the beginning

He handed the things to Sam who took a quick glance through them. "Nice research," he complimented.

"After that, we brought in another psychic," said Marcia. "She said it could be one of our kids doing it unknowingly, that there were cases where children, especially teenagers, caused poltergeist like phenomena with their minds. That if the child was very emotional about something, that their high psychic energy could cause it without them even knowing it. And a third psychic concluded the same thing. But they still did nothing about it."

"Were your kids angry or resentful about something?" Sam asked.

Marcia nodded. "Our two older ones, Jenny and Christopher were very upset about the move. They hated leaving their friends and their school, so yes, they were resentful, and they acted out like teenagers do. So what the psychics were saying made some sense."

"So we did something drastic," Victor said. "We'd been in the house about four months by then, and school was about to start again. We made arrangements with my brother, who was still living in Milwaukee, to take in the two older kids so they could go back to their own school and be with their friends. We thought that would end the problem."

"But it  didn't," Sam stated flatly.

"No, it did not," said Victor. "So we decided the only thing we could do was try moving, that somehow there was a ghost or something in the house, and that it wasn't being caused by our kids. So we rented another house nearby."

"So you moved, and it still happened?" Sam asked.

"Not at first," Marcia said. "At first it was wonderful. No more fighting with the kids, no more constantly being upset. Our lives had been a nightmare. We were all on edge all the time. So this was  a blessed relief."

"But we no sooner got settled when it began happening again, same thing. But this time our older kids were gone. They had never even set foot in the house. I couldn't stand to see Marcia go though this all over again, so we sent Georgie and Amy here to stay with Mom and Dad," Victor nodded towards the Weiss's. "But when things kept right on happening, we knew it wasn't any of the kids."

There was a pause, so Sam asked, "What did you do then?"

Victor pursed his lips. "We moved again, just the two of us, without any of the kids."

"We didn't even unpack," Marcia said. "We decided not to move in until we were sure things were going to be okay." She scoffed. "Didn't take long, less than a week."

"And that's where you are now? In that third house?"

"That's where some of our stuff is," Victor said. "We, however, are temporarily living in a hotel, without our kids. But a lot of our things are still back at the original house."

"So you still own that one?" Sam asked.

"Yes," Victor answered. "And we'd like to go back to it someday."

"Anything happen at the hotel where you're staying?" Dean asked.

"No," Victor answered, "Not so far, anyway."

"Anything happen in the places where the kids are staying?" Sam asked.

Again, Victor shook his head. "Nope, nothing. Only in the houses."

"Did things happen in any of the houses when no one was home?" Dean asked.

"Yes," Marcia said. "I was always terrified to come home from shopping or something, afraid to open the door, afraid of what I'd find there."

"But I understand that no one ever got hurt, is that right?" Sam asked.

"That's right," said Victor. "Even when things were flying around, it was almost like whatever was doing it knew where we were and deliberately avoided hurting anyone."

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