Chapter 1 - Gone Hunting

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Chapter 1 - Gone Hunting

The geological center of the United States lies in the state of Kansas in a town called Lebanon. It just so happens that some very important people live there, though they are mostly unknown to the population. Two couples live in discreet anonymity inside a large bunker type dwelling, affectionately known as 'the Bat Cave' by its inhabitants. The two brothers, often referred to as 'the boys' by those who know and love them, had quietly saved the world on several occasions, while the said world had gone on about it's business unaware of it's impending doom, or that it's people had been saved from it.

In addition to saving their own world, the boys had recently been called upon to save yet another world, a totally different kind of world. They managed to do so, but not without a few painful consequences.

Two weeks had passed since Sam and Dean Winchester had come back home from their harrowing experience that had lasted over a month on their end, to their loving soul mates, Katie and Maggie Rosetti. It had been a wonderful two weeks, overall, with plenty of loving, along with some tears and laughter, and a lot of self-reflection. They had had to leave the girls they loved, the two sisters who had turned out to be their soul mates, chosen by the head Angel of Love himself, and brought to them from a parallel world through a portal that resided in the back seat of Dean's Impala.

The boys' recent experience had told them like nothing else ever had that life could be snuffed out in the blink of an eye, that one had to latch on to what was good in life before it was too late. Or maybe other experiences had told them that in the past, but they just didn't have anyone in their lives then to make the realization matter all that much. But this new found realization had led to each of them proposing to their own mate within two days of their return, and of course, both girls had said yes.

But as wonderful as the homecoming had been, there were some not so happy moments. Moments that came about when Dean had to confess to Maggie that he had turned into a demon on the other world, and while in that form he had cheated on her. And moments that came about when the boys found out what the girls had been up to in their absence. The knowledge of their escapades had made the boys furious, but it was an anger born of fear, stemming from the very soul searching that had led them to propose soon after they got back themselves. The fear that life was too short, and could be taken away without warning.

True, they had to concede that the girls had done especially well, and secretly they were both very proud of them. The girls had been smart, and careful, and if truth be told what they had done and how they had done it, had kind of blown them away. Nevertheless, they had been out there dealing with demons, and the very thought of that drove icy fear into their hearts.

It will be completely understandable then, to hear of the reaction they had when, two weeks after arriving home, after all the antics had been dissected and talked about until there was nothing left, after all of them had settled down and were just happy that they were all still in the land of the living, the girls dropped yet another bombshell on them.

It happened at breakfast. The boys were finally feeling fairly mellow after going through their own harrowing experiences, and then coming home to find out the shenanigans that had been going on while they were gone. Yes, fairly mellow. So it seemed completely out of the blue when Katie said, rather matter-of-factly, "Maggie and I are going to be hunters, and we want you to teach us."

"What?" said Dean softly, while Sam just stared in complete shock. "I don't think I heard that right."

"Sure you did," said Maggie. "You just don't want to acknowledge it. "she said, reaching for the milk. "We always thought we wanted to be hunters, and after what we did, and very well, I might add, we are sure of it. We are going to be hunters."

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