Chapter 4 - Rescue

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Katie shook her sister. "Something's going on, wake up." Maggie jumped up totally alert, as she heard Sam shouting for Dean over and over. They picked up their flame throwers, held their lighters in their other hand at the ready and went to meet up with Sam.

Meanwhile, Sam's calls for Dean were getting fainter as he ran closer to the cave looking for Dean. "It must have Dean," Maggie said, worried but keeping it together. "Come on, hurry!"

They ran out onto the beach, following Sam's foot steps in the sand. They led all the way to the cave. When they entered the cave they lit their flare guns. The cave had two paths. "Damn it!" Maggie said. "Sam went that way, so let's try this way," she said, indicating the right fork. The cave tunneled for quite a ways meandering back and forth around curves.

Then they heard a growl. "Get behind me," Maggie told her sister, and they turned off the flames. They hugged the cave wall for a few more yards until they could see a cavern open up ahead of them. It seemed to have a slight glow, as if lit by a fire. Maggie peered around the edge of the wall and gasped. The creature had Dean, who was unconscious, and was stringing him up with a rope. She backed against the cave wall and whispered, "He's got Dean, stringing him up."

"We can take him," Katie whispered back.

Maggie nodded, and they both relit their flame throwers. The creature sensed something and turned around. He saw the flames and growled, trying to back away. Using a technique they used during their gang days, Maggie went forward towards the creature while Katie held the entrance to the cavern, preventing escape.

Feeling trapped the creature growled and ran past Maggie so fast it was invisible, but it couldn't get past Katie without getting too close to the flames. Recognizing their chance, both girls began to close in, Maggie moving a bit faster to push it towards Katie. When it got close enough, Katie pulled a flask of gasoline from her jacket, opened it with her teeth and threw the contents at the wendigo. Then they both closed in and lit it on fire.

In the distance they could hear Sam still yelling for Dean, his cries sounding closer. By the time he reached them, the wendigo was engulfed in flames and thrashing about in agony. Soon it collapsed to the ground and the awful sounds stopped. Sam grabbed Katie and pulled her to himself, holding her tightly.

"Sam," she said. "Dean's in there strung up." Sam ran to help his brother, but Maggie was already cutting through the ropes. Sam held onto Dean so he could lower him to the to the ground more gently. He slapped at his face, and Dean moaned.

"You awake?" he asked his brother. Dean opened his eyes and said, "Why do you look like Maggie? Am I dreaming?"

Maggie threw herself down on top of Dean, and said "No, silly, Katie and I just rescued you. It's really me."

Dean kissed Maggie and held her close as he looked past her shoulder and found Sam smiling down at him, his arm around Katie. His eyes asked a question and Sam nodded, saying, "Yep, they sure did."

"Well where the hell were you?" Dean asked, accusingly.

"I was busy with the other Wendigo," he answered.

"There were two of them?" Dean asked.


Dean sat up and said, "What about survivors? Are there any?"

"Don't know yet, we need to look."

Dean stood up, a bit unsteadily, and the four of them searched the cave. They found several more caverns and a total of four people, three of whom were dead. The fourth was still alive, though barely. It was the last camper that had been taken.

They cleared the webbing from him and laid him gently on the ground, while Katie called 911. Then they took off.

"What will the cops think?" Katie asked.

"They'll make up some story that they can live with like they always do," Dean said. "Come on, let's get out of here."

They stood at their cars holding onto each other as the police and emergency vehicles arrived at the scene.

Dean swallowed hard before saying what he had to say. "Look girls, I still don't like it," he said. "But you have proven yourselves, and you're right that it's not right to tell you what to do, or to keep you from doing what you want. We'll work it out somehow."

Katie looked over to him and said, "Well we learned something too," she said. "We do want to hunt, but it's not worth being away from you guys. We can find a way to do it so we don't worry you too much and still feel the satisfaction we're looking for."

Sam and Dean exchanged glances, and Dean said, "Come on, let's go home."

"What about your car?" Sam asked the girls.

"We can have the rental company come pick it up," Maggie said.

"Works for me," Dean said as he opened the door for Maggie to get in. When they were all in the car, he looked at both girls. "Let's not do that again, okay?"

"Just take us home, Jeeves," said Katie.

To Be Continued...


Dear readers,

I am sorry for the delay in getting a new chapter out to you. Several weeks ago I hurt my back, and have been in too much pain to write. I'm feeling better now, so here is a new chapter for you. It's a bit short, but it ends a section. Never fear though, the story isn't finished, and I hope to get my chapters out more quickly now. If you're also reading Soul Searching, I should have another chapter fort that one up today or tomorrow as well.

If I don't write again before the holidays, then I wish you blessings, whatever your faith. Be happy! Be safe!



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SamGirl27 aka Kat

The Girls of Supernatural (Sequel to Warping to Destiny)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ