Chapter 22 Lies

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"Forget that, what were you saying?"

"Oh yeah!" she said tapping her head like a little girl and tiptoeing to sit on my bed. She looked so cute when she did that.

"I didn't come here for you", she said bluntly. Her remark left me slightly hurt but I quickly hid the expression. "I came here for Adam".

"What me?!" Adam said, shocked. "But how'd you know where I was? Did you go to my place?"

"No...but whenever anyone of you is in trouble you all come I came here to solve yours", she said happily. Adams trouble...but how did she know? Maybe Adam told her.

"My trouble?! Uhh I think you mean Kayden, right?" Adam said. He was as shocked as Rezial and I were.

"Uhuh sure...but no Kayden is out of the mess thanks to his friend...". She quoted the word friend with her index fingers. "So this leaves you and me!"

"What mess?" I asked. "And which friends?"

"Your dear friends, sweety", she replied. "Oh and this is Adams mess!"

She picked the envelope she was carrying and handed it over to Adam. He cautiously took it and began to open it. Huh! I hadn't noticed she was carrying that.


"A little camera flare and a pinch of computer tricks and wallah, presenting the original image", she said, the last three words in a serious tone. "Oh and guess who's behind this creativity?"

"Who?!" Adam asked.

"Come on at least one guess cousin, pleasssseeeee ", Alexis whined like a five year old.

"Hell Alex! I don't know. Now will you please tell me already". Adam sounded desperate, not to mention angry.


"How else do you think Kayden got out of the mess in the first place but I just can't believe that she would blame me for her work and you know what the funny thing is?" she continued. "That she was PREGNANT! With your baby and she aborted it!"

"Zakira's blood group is B positive and it was her pregnancy report that the doctor showed me and my parents, he just slipped on my blood group".

"But how is that possible?" I asked. "How can the doctor be atleast 70 percent certain that you have that blood group?"

"Well 60 percent of the people in this world have B positive or and incline similar blood group so he figured so would I", she replied.

"That still doesn't answer my question! Why would she take the picture in the first place and how?!" Adam asked.

"Well first, you didn't ask that question and second she didn't take it herself ofcourse. She had Megan take it for her".

"Why would Megan do something like that?!"

"Well that you can ask your friend here!" she said looking towards me. Now I came realize, during the whole conversation she never once looked at me until now, and all I could see in them were tears. Her eyes were blood red and tears were on the edge of her waterline.

"Me?! Why me?"

"Because you were the one who slept with her and then ditched her for me", she replied choking on the tears. "Because you were the one who told her she was gorgeous and cute and sexy and then you went and lined things with me".

How on earth did she know all that? I know I didn't tell her and neither did Adam or Rezial. She got up from her seat and stood in front of me.

"Megan wanted you so bad that she helped Zakira in her shit plan. She went on and on about the nights you spent with her and how you made her the most special girl in the world", she went on. I stared at her in disbelieve. She wasn't the one to listen to others so easily but if I didn't defend myself now, I was gonna be in neck deep trouble.

"Alexis I...."


She stopped me with her hand, took a step back and looked me in the eye.


"Out all the things we told each other you just happened to miss this part out, well now I really hope you have an explanation to this Kayden. Do you?" she asked me.

The tears that she held back now flowed from her eyes, she stared into mine and waited for an answer. But I didn't know what to say to her.

"Alexis I love you", I started. "Megan was just a friend that's all, I don't know what she said to you and you believed her and not me, please Alex trust me, I would never hurt you".

"As much as I don't want to, but I believe you Kayden", she replied in a soft voice. "But you keep on lying to me over and over again".

"Nooo I didn't baby". I reach for her hands but all that came in mine was a cold set of fingers. I held onto them until I realized she was holding onto something in them. "What's this?"

"It's a present for you", she replied nonchalantly and handed me a mini disk. "Let me know how it was".
Did anyone cry for Alexis?? Just so you know it was an emotional chapter! Lol 😿
Let me know how it was!
💟 Ayat_Khan 🎶

Love, Lies and BetrayalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora