Chapter 15 First Conversation

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Alexis' POV
"Lalalala....ladidadida...hmmm hmmm hmmm.....", I hummed along as I made my way home. I walked through the sunflower patch and circled the daisy garden twice before setting foot in the front porch of my house, grinning like an elf.

"Hy mom!" I said and went in the kitchen to give her a hug and a kiss before retiring to my bedroom. She looked at me wide eyed before she returned it.

"Hy honey! You are exceptionally cheery today", she said.

"Am not! I'm just happy that's all", I replied and quickly ran to my room before she could sense any other difference.

"ANNNAAAAABBBEEEETTTHHHHH!" I screamed for my sister when I went outside and saw her in the garden. I skipped like a five year old to where she was standing.

"What is it? Why, in the name of chocolates, are you screaming?" She said while attempting to shield her ears from my screams. Yeah, my sister is also a chocolate FAN!

"I have to tell you something", I replied. And with that I grabbed the garden fork from her hand and dragged her to my bedroom.
Kayden's POV
"I am most definitely gonna go crazy man!" I said excitedly to Rezial and Adam on the way home from the park.

After our 'confessions' we turned to see the others, who had gone to get my pretend girlfriend, standing behind us with their grinning expressions on. I had to admit I was both relieved and happy to have listened to them and told Alexis how I felt. As it turned out she loved me too. Though I'm not sure how it's gonna be tomorrow, it's just a dream.

"Heeeelloooo! Earth to Kayden Kahn!"

I was snapped out of my day dream by Adam who kept on shaking his head and chuckling at me. "What?!" I said annoyed.

"It's okay if you wanna think about her, just don't forget us while you're at it", he responded. I just smirked at him. Just then my phone beeped in my pocket and I took it out to see who it was. It was Adam, texting me, I looked up at him confused while he just smirked at me and boarded his bus. I checked the message again and noticed it was a phone number with the words...'call dnt txt...dnt tel her u're a miser! Lol 😂'
Huh...wait HER, it's Alex's number! 😃 yaayyyyy!
Alexis POV
25th July 2011
Dear Buddy
Mwah! Mwah! mwah! I love you so much right now. You wanna know why? Because....
I know! I know what I said to you...but you also know how I felt about him since the day I saw him.
Anyway so I'm literally head over heels in happiness. I know it's not my place but I didn't go drag him and tell him that I loved him...HE came to meee! His friends can be a problem but maybe he has dealt with that.
I am actually really happy coz I finally have someone to love back the way I had wanted.
If this is a dream, I never want it to end. 😍
This is going to be soooo awesome! I LOVE YOU KAYDEN!
Oh nd I love u too my dear buddy! 😘
Thnx for listening 💛💙💜💚❤️
Your loving friend
💖💞💕 Alexis Rogers!

I closed my journal, smiling at myself. This was my opportunity to start a new life.

Just then my phone buzzed on my bed. I got up from my chair to see who it was and found a new number flashing on the was a message from.....uh oh....How the hell did he get my number.

Kayden: 'If hug was a leaf, I would give you a tree...
If kiss was a droplet, I'd give you the sea...
If love was a person, I'd give you, meee!
Yours only Kayden 💖😘

Alexis: uhh hw did u get my number?!

Kayden: it's me u charms love

Alexis: hehehe...😂! Really! Bt did u mean everything u said to me

Kayden: I did love! Every word of it. Coming to baileys tomoro?

Alexis: yeah! Y?

Kayden: great! I have something for you. I'll c u there ok

Alexis: okay....goodnight love

Kayden: ahhh love 😉lol...I love u Gudnyt

Alex: ☺️
How was this chapter? It was short I know sorry!
💟 Ayat_Khan 🎶

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