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"Can we have something good for dinner?" Nathan asks, "Because if you're cooking, I will go to Val's house and eat with Mama C."

Valentina laughs at her brother's dig at their father's cooking. As they walk into the kitchen, Valentina's eyes light up at the sight of Nathan's mother and Dan's current wife, Deb.

"You're back!" Valentina exclaims as she rushes forward to hug the woman. Deb laughs as she hugs Valentina tightly, rocking the teen from side to side. When she pulls away, she notices the food on the table and her grin widens, "And you cooked!"

"Who is that lady?" Dan asks teasingly, "I thought you weren't getting back until Monday?"

"I wasn't until I sweet-talked Zyadex into doubling their gift to AIDS research. Took me all of one meeting," Deb says as she makes her way over to Dan, planting a kiss on his lips.

"Wow, I'm impressed," Dan tells her, "Sure you don't want to quit saving the world and come sell cars with me?"

"As if," Valentina says, "She's a superhero. A shero if you will."

"You're so lame," Nathan tells her.

"I know what you are but what am I?" Valentina retorts, sticking her tongue out at her brother.

"Hey, how's my boy?" Deb asks as she hugs Nathan.

"I'm late for warm ups, mom."

Valentina and the rest of the girls' team didn't have a game tonight because Massenburg didn't have a girls' team. It was great for Val because it meant that she got a break and had a night free of her father's criticism.

"Oh, come on. Dinner's almost ready. I haven't seen you for weeks," Deb says.

"I can't I gotta go, but I'm sure Val's fat ass would love some food."

"You're right, my ass is fat," Valentina retorts and Nathan rolls his eyes.

"Language you two!" Deb says. Nathan laughs as he's heading toward the door.

"Nathan," their father calls after him, "Remember what I told you. He can't shoot if he doesn't have the ball."

Nathan nods his head before heading out the door.


"He's fine," her father interrupts, "Nothing you need to worry about."

Deb sighs and Valentina knows that the answer her father gave is only going to cause her to worry more.

"Valentina, how have you been?" Deb asks as she throws an arm around the teen.

"Good. I have been on my best behavior unlike the men of this house," Valentina says and Deb chuckles.

"Trust me, your mother has been keeping me up to date."

Dan shakes his head, "Charlotte can never keep her mouth shut."

"Well, if you behaved, then she wouldn't have anything to tell me," Deb tells her husband before looking back at Val, "Val sweetheart, would you like some dinner?"

"I'd love some dinner," Valentina says.

The three of them sit down and eat dinner before heading over to the high school to watch the game. They find seats on the bleachers and moments later, Valentina's mom comes in, searching the bleachers. When she spots the three of them an excited squeal escapes her as well as Deb as they meet halfway and embrace.

Her dad sighs from beside her and Valentina laughs as the two women launch into a conversation, only taking a break as they take their seats with Dan and Val. She loved the familial dynamic. She only wished there was room for Lucas and his mom as well, but she knew that there were wounds too deep to heal.

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