The Bubbler

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Ellen woke up to a burnt smell and opened her eyes. She looked over at her husband, who snored and drooled in his sleep. Ellen laughed at his expression, put her robe on, and quietly walked out. She saw the kitchen lights on and Odette resting her head in her palm, staring at a cookbook with frustration.

"Odette, why are you up so late?" Ellen asked quietly, walking over to the girl.

Odette pouted, "Can't bake."

Ellen tilted her head, looking over Odette's shoulder to see the recipe, "Why are you baking a cake?"

Odette sighed, "Adrien's birthday..."

Ellen smiled softly at the girl, caressing her head, "I can help you bake it, but we'll do it tomorrow. It's late and you have school tomorrow. I'm sure Mia would want to help too."

Odette nodded as she yawned, "Hmmm..."

Odette and Ellen cleaned the kitchen before going to their rooms. Ellen got into bed, waking her husband. "Ellen? Why did you get up?" Emile asked, snuggling closer to her.

"Odette was trying to bake a cake. Adrien's birthday is tomorrow." Ellen told her husband, bringing him close to her chest.

"Oh really? She is terrible at cooking. Are you sure she isn't trying to poison him?" Emile asked, getting a smack on the head. "Ouch....."

Ellen narrowed her eyes at him, "Adrien is her first friend and she wanted to bake him a cake. It's the thought that counts. Mia and I are going to help her when she gets back from school."

"Okay, okay...." Emile said lazily.

"I'm so happy for her. She's getting out of that bubble of hers and talking more. We should invite Adrien for dinner one of these days. I want to meet him." Ellen said, staring at the ceiling.

Emile narrowed his eyes at Ellen, "No way. He's a boy and shouldn't get too comfortable. I already have a pesky cat to worry about. I don't need to worry about a model too." Ellen smacked his head again, "Why must you keep hitting me, woman!"

He got smacked again as Ellen sighed, "He's not going to take Odette away from us, Emile. He seems like a nice boy and isn't like the other friends she had. I don't want Odette to get hurt too, but we need to let Odette find the right people. I have a feeling that Adrien is a good start. So you need to behave and not be so overprotective. You might chase him away."

Emile's eyes softened, nodding his head, "Okay. But if he makes a move on her, you will not stop me."



Adrien and Nino standing together in front of the school. Odette just came out from the school and heard Nino ask Adrien, "Has your dad always been such a downer? Doesn't he remember what it's like to wanna party?"

Adrien shook his head, "No, I'm sure he was a downer back then, too. At least I tried."

Odette tilted her head before tapping the boy's shoulder. Adrien felt it and turned around, "Hey, Odette!"

Nino smiled at the girl, "Hey, dudette!"

Odette smiled at the two boys, "Hi...Happy birthday, Adrien."

"Thanks, Odette." Adrien smiled at her before Nino wrapped his arm around Adrien's shoulder.

"Getting back on topic. It's your b'day, dude...I insist. I'm gonna have a chat with our pops," Nino suggested.

"Don't waste your time, he won't change his mind," Adrien told him frowning. Odette looked at the boy with sympathy, patting his back awkwardly. He gave her an appreciated look, smiling a little bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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