Hello welcome to my new book

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This will be a different book then the one that I have written it, it is not a Fan fiction like any other one. It is go in to be a slow update because I have school and that in this book it would take awhile to write the chapters because it is a age thing cause I don't what would a 19 girl and a 19 guy would think and do, because I'm just a teenager.
This book is a romance fiction.

Is it weird that you will always remember your first crush?
Because I do, and the only reason he hates you is because you were"not pretty" like other girls in the year level.
I love how his blue eyes look like the ocean and how his hair was dirty blonde.
You probably think that its so cliché. He was the hottest guy in the year and he was tall.
He and the popular girl were always paired up by the teachers because they looked good together and they were both smart.
What's so bad about a guy that's has the looks, height and the grades to go out with a girl that doesn't have the looks and the grades?
It just doesn't match.

Hope you like it.
Love Zita💜

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