Devastating Reality

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Beep... Beep... Beep

The room was filled with doctors and nurses while the halls quickly filled with police, lawyers, and two young women praying to the heavens their friend was alright. I didn't know this was happening as I was the one laying on the hospital bed desperately clinging to life.

"Doctor, her vitals are stable."

"What about her neurological activity?"

"Active, normal"

"Let's wake her up then."

While medical staff began to procedures to wake my out of my medically induced coma, I was lost in a dream on an endless loop. First I was walking on the stage receiving my law degree then quickly interrupted with a screech and piercing screams. I was jerked awake to a cold hand squeezing my own. Opening my eyes to two faces that obviously had been crying. It took my eyes a bit to adjust, but once my sight focused it clicked that it was my two closest friends in the entire world, Elle Jackson and Ava Parker.

After the adoption was finalized, I was introduced to the children in our neighborhood.  Even in our super affluent neighborhood of Pacific Heights in San Francisco, we happened to live on a street with families whose children were close to my age. The two that I instantly clicked with were the girls whose families lived on either side of us. Elle and her meek shadow Ava took me under their wings and quickly we became an inseparable trio. 

Even though my weekends were spent adventuring with my parents, the rest of the week with filled with studying or spending time with those two. Although we each had unique personalities with differing interests, we stuck together like glue. Most of the week they came over to my house for studying and would almost always stay for dinner.  It was common practice from high school throughout undergrad for Marie to always have two extra place settings ready for the girls every night at dinner.

It wasn't until I started law school that we were finally separated. I left for Stanford while the girls stayed closer to home.  Elle was a graduate music student at Berkley while Ava was starting her career as a social worker in the Bay Area.

Even with the machines buzzing in my ears, I sighed in relief waking up to those two by my side. Yet, something felt off. A heavy ache in my heart told me that things were worse off that it appeared.

"Fuck girl, you're okay."

"Thank God, we thought we lost you."

"What happened?" I croaked out.

They looked at each other before gathering their composure. Elle took a deep breath.

"Sienna, on the way to dinner after the ceremony, you and your parents were in a hit and run. A large truck slammed into the drivers side before driving off."

I was too afraid to ask at first, but had to know, "Wh..wh..where are my parents?"

Tears began streaming down Ava's face as she took over, "Um..uh... Marie succumbed to her injuries on the ambulance ride. And..and... Tyson...."

Ava began sobbing.


"My father didn't make it either did he Elle?"

"Sienna, he died on impact."

The world began to spin and machines started to beep as I began to hyperventilate. Tears didn't have time to properly fall before I was sobbing uncontrollably. The sobs rocked through my entire body to the point that I began to shake violently. Within seconds, the girls were rushed out as the doctor on call took control of the situation.

With my head spinning, I didn't notice the nurse injecting my IV with a sedative before everything went black.

I was back in the woods running at full speed. Unlike my dreams before which were nebulous this was as clear as day. This time I was some sort of canine, a wolf. My snowy white paws were pounding through a forest that I was not familiar with. Running through unrecognizable foliage, I made my way through this unknown forest until a deep howl stopped me in tracks. There in front of me were the glowing golden eyes that returned to my dreams after a long hiatus.

Those golden eyes came closer and soon revealed an enormous silver wolf. It was not alone as a pack of six other wolves came into view. A sense of peace washed over me as they all appear. At that moment, the large silver wolf transformed and was replaced by a man. It was hard to see anything other than his muscular silhouette with hair just barely touching his shoulders.

"Jaigya." The voice called.

Instantly my wolf form disappeared and I was back as myself standing in front my this silhouette and his six wolves.

"Jaigya. I am so sorry. My heart is breaking for your loss and that I still haven't found you. Do know that you aren't alone. We are here waiting for you to find us. Your family is here. Find us. Please. We need you."

Before I could respond, I was startled awake to Ava dropping her phone and Elle cursing at her.

"Shit Ava, watch what you're doing."

"Calm your language and your temper Elle."

Before their bickering could continue, both girls noticed I was now awake and rushed to my side.

"What happened to me?"

"Sienna, you had a panic attack and went into shock. The doctors injected a tranquilizer to bring your vitals back down. You've been out about 4 hours."

Ava held my hand, "We were telling you about your parents when a panic attack took over. Do you remember?"

I shook my head as they both held my hands.

"Yeah. I am not ready to talk about it. I just need to process it. Will you stay here with me today?"

Elle stood up, "We both took the next few weeks off to help you."

Sighing at the realization of everything ahead of me all I could think about was my dream.

"I saw him again."

"Who?" Ava cocked her head in confusion.

Elle took a second before her eyes went wide, "Shit, did you see the eyes again? It's been awhile hasn't it?"

"Yeah, but it was no longer hazy. I felt like I was truly there. But I was a wolf and so was he along with his pack?"

"WHAT?" They both exclaimed.

They sat and listened attentively as I explained in detail the dream that I had.

Little did I know that 6000 miles away an 18 year old woke up in a cold sweat to a similar dream. Except in his case, he was approached by a snowy white wolf.

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