( Requested ) Yandere BF x Reader

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Warning : NSFW (smut)

( This Will Not Be The Best , Any Suggestions Or Criticism Is Welcome . Thank You , )

It had been a stressful few days, work was busy and your roommate continued to bring ' study partners ' over every night not letting you get any sleep. Your coworker had confessed his love to you even though they knew about your boyfriend, Peter. He had got upset that you turned him down for some weirdo who you had only met a couple months ago versus him; who you'd work beside for almost a year. You sigh as you stare into the blue sky and look at the trees. You didn't like going to work as it was and now you had to deal with him . . . Peter wasn't informed on this situation because it didn't seem necessary it was all dealt with it just made work miserable. You stop in your tracks,

" S - Stop !! I - Im sorry !! "

You were in the back alleyway of your work place, your hands start shaking. Splatter noises and droplets are heard, you look around the corner and see a tall man hidden in a hoodie standing over the coworker who had confessed to you. You gasp. The man flicks his head in your direction as soon as you hide back behind the corner. You whisper in a panic,

" I - Im dead , h - he's dead -- Oh no oh no . . . "

You were too deep in thought to realize the mans footsteps had began their way to you. Before you could snap back into reality your pinned against the cold brick wall with both hands contained by his. Your mouth covered by his other hand as the smell of blood fills the air. You have tears in your eyes before you finally look up at the man to see who it is. 

" Sh shhh , (Y/N) . . . "

It was Peter, your heart stopped. ' Oh no ' you thought. He had the look of a crazed man who felt betrayed by his lover. His expression grew upset as his grip tightened on your hands and moved the hand covering your mouth.

" (Y/N) , why didn't you tell me ? You're only mine . . . You promised me . I even killed someone for you , darling . You're mine . "

You understand, he felt abandoned and was there . . . He saw it all. 

" Peter , I don't love him and never did . He came to me , I'm all yours forever and ever ! "

You say this trying to give the best smile you could to convince you weren't scared but your heart was racing. Your coworker was just killed by your boyfriend and you witnessed it. Even better, no one comes behind this alleyway unless workers who want to smoke or enter. The next shift was 8 hours away. . . In conclusion, you were fucked. He stabbed a knife in the wall right beside your head, you squeaked quietly in fear.

" (Y/N) I'd never hurt you , you know that , right ? I love you . You belong to me . "

You went to say something but his lips crashed against yours; he was kissing you roughly like he always did when he wanted his way or attention. You gently held onto him, his long tongue sliding to yours to show dominance. Your blush was as bright as ever, but your emotions confused trying to understand him. His knee slid between your legs and rubbed against you teasingly. Turning your head to break apart from the kiss, you let out a small moan and pant trying to catch your breath from the kiss. 

" (Y/N) . . . "

You looked up at him, his eyes were seductive and look as if he would eat you like prey. He pushed your chin up to look at him as he kissed you again only this time he began to take off your top. Allowing you to part whenever he was fully taking off your shirt. The cold wind brushed against your skin, causing you to shiver. He smirked, kissing and biting your neck leaving trails of marks to your collarbone. Your breathing becomes heavy and you become hot. His hands caress your body - stopping at your hips - only to abruptly pull you close to him to rub you on his knee harder; getting a loud moan from you. 

Your Boyfriend (YB) x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now