Then the next night:

#3  That little mole behind your left ear

She'd looked behind her ear in the mirror directly after she'd read that one. She had never noticed that before.

There had been one every night after that, the letters arriving like clockwork.

#4  How happy you get when you talk about something you're excited about

#5  How good you are with kids

#6  Your ass

#7  How soft your hands are

#8  How patient you are

#9  How you play with your shirt sleeves when you get nervous

#10 How good you are at giving head

#11 How you bite your lip when you're really concentrated

#12  How fucking happy you make me

She'd immediately blushed and hidden a few, but they were mostly sweet. Too sweet. Whatever he's been trying to do is working. He's making her remember why she fell in love with him in the first place.

He always greets her at the door the next morning with a smile, regardless of whatever reason he'd sent her the night before. She assumes that they're reasons at least, she's not quite sure because he hasn't told her.

She's sitting on her bed when there's a little peck at the window, a noise that makes her stomach jump in excitement every time she hears it now. She looks at the clock to see that it's only 7:00, which is a little earlier than normal, but she doesn't care. She hurries to the window to open it, internally grateful that she has a room to herself so that no one can witness how excited she gets to open the notes. She knows that she shouldn't be, but anyone would be happy to read nice things about themselves.

She hates that her stomach drops when she sees that it's Bailey. She should be over the moon to get a letter from Nick. She should not be wishing that it was a letter from Fred. She's not.

She gives Bailey's feathers a stroke after she takes the letter from her and tears open the letter after she does.


I miss you, Ev. How are things at Hogwarts? Did you end up passing that Herbology exam? I hope you did.

Anyway, I have next Friday off of classes, do you think that I could come visit again next weekend? I would love to see you soon.



She smiles as she scribbles out a reply, telling him that yes, she'd love it if he came next weekend. She needs to see him, too. The only reason she's basking in Fred's attention is that she hasn't seen her boyfriend in a while. She just needs to remind herself why she isn't throwing everything out the window to be with Fred.

She sits back down with her book, meaning to just continue reading, but instead just stares at the pages while her mind spins a little.

She has feelings for Fred, that much she can admit. They didn't just go away after they "broke up", and what he's doing now definitely isn't helping. She loves Nick, though, and feelings for Fred don't equate breaking up with the man that she loves just to give it a try. She just needs to let the feelings work themselves out; she knows that they'll go away at some point.

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