The Storm Inside

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*I suggest seeing The Wizard of Oz or Return to Oz before reading this. it will make much more sense as this is heavily based off the movies.

A lot of people think the ocean is calm and quiet. But you're wrong.

To Peso, it couldn't be any more opposite. It was as if the waters hated them, determining themselves to cleanse the seabed of this large orange metallic creature. And it was scary as heck.

The waters had taken on a mind of their own, sick as a dog and angry as a small-town grandmother. Peso held onto a counter for dear life, not daring to look about him, his eyes glued helplessly to the storm outside.

He felt like he'd been here before...

The shrieks of those around him were louder than the storm. Peso just wanted to close his eyes and wait until it was all over. Kwazii was babbling something, but nobody bothered to pay any attention. Dashi was screaming, and Peso was pretty sure he was crying right now. Shellington and the professor were audibly stuck in one corner of the HQ. Tweak was down in the Launch Bay, trying to calm the ship and protect her machines.

Peso could feel the waters throwing them about like garbage. He felt like garbage right now, as his stomach loudly threatened to reverse gears. He could have sworn from the noise and feel of it, that the ship was upside down.

"Tweak, I need a little more engine power!"

The captain was up at the steering wheel. peso wasn't sure how much that would help. It was really scary, all this. What if the captain got hurt? And how could him being up there make any difference, much less a good one?

"Dashi, we need to blast our way out!"

Peso felt a jolt, and forced his eyes open. Had Dashi hit the rocket thrusters?


The Octopod had hit something. Hard. It was out of control. Peso promptly felt himself throw up, and hoped no one was in the way of that.

In this moment of weakness, Peso was tossed from the counter and slid across the floor into an Octochute, the tossing of the ship making the usually quick and calm ride a nightmare. peso was shaken and tossed against the walls of the Shute, feeling like he was on the worlds largest silly-slide. It was as if he were going in several different directions at once.

And it felt familiar...

This moment of distraction was shattered as Peso was chucked out of the Octochute, landing in his own room, thank goodness. His stuffed animals were crazy, flopping and flying everywhere like soft clouds. His pictures were safe in the drawer with all these soft things flying about, it felt more like a cozy, funny nook...

Peso slowly walked into the room, feeling strangely more at peace with the funny scene of his animals flying bout like clouds. He felt like he was walking in a dream...

A searing pain shot through his head, and he toppled onto his bed, holding tightly to...something. It was soft...he couldn't place it.

The Octopod continued throwing a fit, pitching itself here and there and Peso could feel it speeding up...

He felt like he were being slid around. Dizzy...nauseous...this was awful, make it end....please...

He had the strangest dream;

I'm not afraid of her! Hmph!

Make a beehive out of me, bah. I'll see you to the wizard, whether I get a heart or not.

Peso felt the waters toss him. he felt like he was sinking.

There was a strange ticking. He had the quickest vision of a strange machine, connected to headphones...the machine had a face.

Peso clambered out of the water, and into a hen coop, floating along with the flood. His face was scrunched in fear and exhaustion. He lay in the hen coop, floating  into an uneasy sleep.

I'll get you my pretty. And you're little dog too!

He couldn't remember, but it felt like something big had transpired.

Long long ago...

"hello, Peso." Dr. Whorely looked down at peso from his great height. Peso saw the thunder and lightning storm raging through the window of the operating room, and could have sworn he heard his father laughing, all though he was long gone...

Peso's father was in an asylum. But that didn't mean peso had to be in one too.

So, so far from it...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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Octo-Tales 1; Peso and The Wizard of OzWhere stories live. Discover now