Who will win ?(Part-1)

Start from the beginning

Jodha was busy removing her jewelry , she wanted to sleep because she was totally tired after the long journey.

That's when she heard the announcement, "The chief begum, Ruqaiya begum is entering"

Jodha knew that Ruqaiya was Jalal's best friend and his first begum,nothing more than that.

When Ruqaiya entered, Jodha was in awe with her beauty. Fair skin, long brown hair and hazel eyes, which were filled with intelligence.

"Pranam Ruqaiya begum, I am.."

"Jodha, Jodha begum, I know. I am the chief begum here. I have a record of which begum Jalal sleeps with , spends his night with each and every thing."

Laughing, Ruqaiya continued, " I must say, God has made you with a lot of care , you are a very beautiful women. But how sad , Jalal doesn't like you . In this harem , each and every women wants Jalal to spend a night with them. Jalal forgets about them.You will also be like that Jodha begum, soon it will be just you and this room and Jalal won't even come to see you."

Jodha smiled, " You think I want Jalal to notice me. You're wrong. I don't care about him , not even a bit. Make sure Ruqaiya begum that your Jalal doesn't think about me even by mistake. Now if you will go , I need to sleep."

Ruqaiya smiled, " Goodbye Jodha begum. Make sure you rest well"

That night , Ruqaiya's bedroom-

Jalal was drunk. He saw Ruqaiya coming and caught her arm and pulled her closer to him.

Kissing her neck,she felt goosebumps all over her body. Jalalll...she moaned.

"Wait Jalal."

"What is it Ruqaiya, we will play chess tomorrow, if that's want you want. Don't spoil the mood."

"No it's not about that, it's about Jodha."

Jalal stopped. " What about her?"

Ruqaiya narrated about the conversation she had with Jodha that afternoon.

Jalal seething in anger went to Jodha's room, Ruqaiya smiled looking at Jalal being angry.

Now ,Jodha begum the real game has begun.

Jodha saw an angry Jalal coming to her room, "Takliya", he roared.

He took a step forward, and immediately Jodha pulled the curtains down. Jalal tore the curtain and came close to her. Jodha put her veil down, and Jalal laughed.

Jodha smelled alcohol. " Shenshah, you're drunk, you need to leave."

"Jodha begum" , he pushed her against the wall. He could feel Jodha's heartbeat. He came closer and she turned her face away,
"I HAVE NO INTEREST in you , Jodha. I don't care, I heard what you said Ruqaiya. Your a toy , I won. I want to break that pride and ego of yours."

Jalal left Jodha's hand and went out. There was red mark on Jodha's wrist. Moti came and put medicine on her wrist, "Jodha.."

"Moti, go .. I will put it myself."
Crying Jodha wondered it wasn't even a day and she was already fighting with Jalal.
Without thinking much,Jodha went to sleep.

•Next Morning,

Every morning at 6 , Jodha used to do her Tulsi Puja and today was no exception . On the way to her room , she saw Jalal. He was lifting weights.

With the aarti thaali, she went to him. Jalal saw Jodha and he had to admit it . He could never get used to her beauty. She looked more beautiful with her hair open.

Jalal bent his head forward waiting for Jodha to put tilak. Jodha looked at him with surprise,

"Shenshah, this is not tilak, this is aarti."

Jalal looked at her with astonishment. "What"he asked

"Never mind, I will do it for you", Jodha said.

She took the fumes coming from the diya with her right hand and bought her hand close to close to Jalal's head.

Jalal took his left hand and held her right hand midway.

Jalal wanted time to stop, he wanted to look at her , even though she hated him she still cared for him. He felt bad for acting like a jerk yesterday.

Jodha was lost looking at Jalal's eyes, to distract herself she started looking sideways.

That time her eyes,caught the diya, the flame was going to die. To protect the flame , she put her right hand at one side of the diya and at the same time, she saw Jalal put his left hand on the other side of the diya.

Jodha looked up and saw Jalal smiling at her,

"I will do it myself now , Jodha begum."

After taking the aarti, Jalal excused himself and told he had some work to do.

Jodha was there, standing stunned. She could hear her heart beating so fast...what was happening?

Jalal couldn't stop smiling, he turned back to see Jodha . He saw her looking at him, smiling he did his greeting. He saw her smiling and feeling happy he left.

Later that day, in the evening, Jalal told his guard to inform Jodha that he wanted to meet her.

Jodha came after some time.

"Shenshah, I heard you wanted to meet me."

He looked back, there she was , standing looking so serene and divine.

He went close to her , he saw himself in her big doe eyes.

He picked up the ointment lying close to the table,

"Give me your wrist Jodha begum."

Jodha extended her arm.

Jalal took the ointment and applied on her wrist, her hands were soft.

Jodha was in a loss of word , she saw Jalal's callused fingers applying ointment on her wrist.

"It's done." Jalal's voice snapped her back into reality.

"Thank you" Jodha said looking at his eyes

Jalal smiled looking at her, " I am repaying for the last time when you took care of my hand ."

A harsh wind blew and Jodha's  veil fell down.

Jalal picked it up and put it on her, he was reminded of the time he met her for the first time officially in her room.

"I guess you must put more pins to hold your veil, it fell down last time as well."

But Jodha was lost, lost looking at Jalal's eyes .


"Ah, yea , I will. If you give me permission it's late , I need to sleep."

Jalal saw a red blush creeping up Jodha's cheek. She looks cute , he thought.

"Sure Jodha begum, Good night."

"Good night Shenshah"

Indeed Jalal would get a nice sleep today but unknown to both of them was that , Maham anga was keeping an eye on both of them. "This is not good, but at all. I have to separate both of them."

Hey guys part -2 will be released soon . Stay tuned!!!!

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