Delicious and Authentic Italian Food

Comenzar desde el principio

   " Please do not worry about it. I will take care of you, and your meal. "

   " Thanks. "

Tonio bowed his head and walked back into the kitchen, and you sat at your table staring at your plate. The doorbell rang, and you lifted your head to see who had entered the restaurant. Your face turned a slight shade of red seeing Josuke walk through the door with Okuyasu beside him. His eyes traveled around the room before landing on yours. The same small blush that was on your face appeared on his.

   " Oh, Hey, Y/n! Are you here to get some food too!? " Okuyaus shouted.

   " Yeah, I was hungry and I saw this place was new and came in. "

   " Mind if we join you? " Josuke asked, walking up to the table.

   " I don't. "

Okuyasu took one seat beside you while Josuke took the other seat beside you. 

   " So, do you know anything about this place? " Josuke asked.

   " Well, the owner and chief is really nice. His name is Tonio Trussardi. He's from Italy and from what I can tell he really enjoys cooking for others. He doesn't have any menu's though because he cooks different dishes for everyone. "

   " What kind of place doesn't have a menu! " Okuyasu shouted.

   " Benvenuto to my restaurant. " Tonio said, walking out of the kitchen with a pitcher of water. 

He poured the water into your cup, and you thanked him. Okuyasu immediately started asking him about a menu, but Tonio's stance didn't change. His smile faded, but he didn't turn violent or seem violent. He seemed calm. Okuyasu stood up and raised his hand towards Tonio, asking for a menu but, Tonio looked at Okuyasu's hand before gently taking it and speaking.

   " Alright, let's see now. You had diarrhea yesterday. Your intestinal walls are inflamed and it's obvious you're sleep deprived. Yes, you only got four hours last night. Which of course explains the puffy eyes. Now, let's see your left hand. "

Okuyasu lifted his other hand towards the chief, and Tonio took his hand and flipped it. Okuyasu's palm faced the ceiling as Tonio stared at the palm. You looked at Josuke, and he looked at you, questioning the chief. Finally, you shrugged your shoulders and looked back towards Tonio.

   " Mhmm, your right foot is infected with fungus. You also have two cavities and your left shoulder is stiff. Yes? "

   " What!? How the hell did you know that!? Everything you said was right on the money! "

   " It is all in the hands amico mio. They are the guiding principle to the soul. Oh! Please excuse me. "

Tonio filled their glasses with water, and you took a sip of yours. The water was refreshing as it went down your throat. Josuke raised his hand to stop Tonio from filling his glass with water.

   " Uh, I'm not really that hungry. I'll have a cup of coffee if you have any. Make it a cappuccino. "

   " Capisco signore. "

Tonio smiled and walked away from the table. He disappeared behind the walls separating the kitchen from the dining area. You took another sip of your water and kept the glass in your hand so you could drink more.

   " This guy can talk up his fancy dishes as much as he wants. Healthy food tastes like dog shit. Even if it's a little disgusting we don't have to pay for it. Just complain and leave. " Josuke whispered to you and Okuyasu.

   " Roger. "

   " That's rude, Josuke. Why not just say it's not our taste? He just wants to cook food and serve those in the restaurant. "

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