Chapter 73 - Life

Start from the beginning

"Right," Chloe said, nodding. "They both seemed to have disappeared or something." She turned to Serena, who continued staring blankly at the wall and frowned. "I'm just worried about how he's gonna take it if he wakes up from that coma," she whispered.

"When he wakes up," Goh said, correcting Chloe. She hesitated for a moment before saying, "Right. Sorry. He's gonna wake up." There was an awkward silence around the room momentarily, the only noise being produced was the squeaking of the ceiling fan and the occasional beeping of machines.

"Should we go visit him, then?" Goh suggested, getting back up from his lying position. "Before we start the day?" Chloe smiled and nodded. "Of course," she said enthusiastically. "We can't start the day without visiting him first." Clemont nodded and adjusted his backpack as he told the group, "We'll be outside while Goh gets himself prepared."

Bonnie followed Clemont out the door as Serena stood up. "I'll go with them," she quietly said. "I just need some... fresh air." She shuffled out of the room and closed the door, leaving Chloe and Goh to speak with one another. They had both addressed their feelings subtly, but nothing had progressed beyond that point simply because it somehow felt wrong to do so while Goh and Ash were both recovering.

"So, you think he's gonna wake up soon?" Chloe asked Goh. "And don't say I'm being negative for asking, I'm just worried that if you're too confident that he'll suddenly one day be walking around, then you'll be disappointed if it doesn't happen," she explained worriedly. Goh grabbed her arm and shook his head.

"I know Ash," he said insistently. "He wouldn't just let himself abandon us like that if he can help it." Chloe slowly nodded her head, realizing that Goh could be correct. "Well, I'm just worried for you," Chloe said, patting Goh on the shoulder. She grabbed the crutches that sat against the wall and handed them to Goh, who gratefully took them.

"Thanks," he said, grunting as he positioned himself on the ground using the crutches. "If what Clemont is saying is true, you won't have to babysit me anymore soon." Chloe scoffed and smiled. "It's not your fault you got hurt," she said as if what he had said was nonsense. "You hurt yourself trying to save the world; you're lucky to only have a broken leg."

Goh smiled at Chloe as he began hobbling towards the room door. "I guess you're right," he admitted. "I'm lucky to even be awake right now..." He was silent as he opened the door and made his way through, Chloe right behind and holding the door for him.

Goh took in his surroundings as he stared at the lobby that he'd been looking at for a month now. The walls were completely white, similar to his room. There were, however, some additional decorations in the form of paintings and images of Pokemon interacting with their trainers.

Some couches and chairs sat around sleek wooden desks, but Goh had not seen a single living being sit down there, creating a sort of stigma that prevented anyone from getting near that lounge area. "It's annoying that Ash is in the building across the street," Goh pointed out. "It would be nice to have him in the same building."

While he and Ash had initially been sent to the building that Goh was currently in, Ash was moved to a specialty building across the street once they had discovered that, while he was stable, he wasn't going to be waking up anytime soon.

Goh saw Clemont and Bonnie standing by the door that led outside. "You ready, you two?" Clemont asked Goh and Chloe, who both nodded in response. "Make sure your Pokemon are put up safely in their Pokeballs. Remember what they said about Pokemon being in his room?" Clemont advised.

Goh nodded, remembering how he had accidentally brought Sobble into the room one time and was scolded by the staff to the point where he didn't want to visit Ash again. The Pokemon could contaminate the IV fluids, so any type of Pokemon was simply banned from being present.

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