Shield & New Members

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{Shield H.Q.}

<Nick Fury POV:>

I'm currently reading the report on Cadmus Labs, and I see a familiar face in the aftermath of the explosion that blew up Cadmus Labs...Y/N Wayne aka Night Wing.


After reading through the report I call in the one person who knows Y/N best Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow...this should be fun.

<Natasha POV:>

I'm currently headed to Shield which is weird because Fury never calls me in on my day off so this must be important...which probably means dangerous.

{Thirty Minutes Later}

After making it to Shield I make my way to Fury's office and knock before waiting patiently and after hearing a muffled 'come in' from behind the door I open it and head inside before taking my seat.

  "Look at this!" Fury says as he plays a holographic video of a man in a black suit fighting two opponents...

  "Look at this!" Fury says as he plays a holographic video of a man in a black suit fighting two opponents

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  "Y-Y/N!" I whisper to myself.

"I see you remember him, and it seems he has been busy too." Fury says as he hands me a File titled...

After reading the title, I open the folder only to be surprised by the first entry...

YOUNG JUSTICE INITIATIVE   After reading the title, I open the folder only to be surprised by the first entry

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Leader: Y/N Wayne

Code Name: Night Wing

Skills&Abilities: Acrobatic,Martial Arts,Weapons,Stealth.

Chosen Weapon: Electrified Batons.

Mental State: Nightmares and Weary of new people also talks of a Natalia and Clint as well as believes they have died.

After reading his file I can't help, but be happy that he is alive but also sad that he thinks I died...I want to see him.

  "You want to go after him!" Fury says knowingly.

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