6) Troubles aren't over yet

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Alucard PoV

We were on the train heading towards Preblica, two station away from Serenity. I turned to Miya sitting beside me, looking at the scenery outside the window.

Alucard: "M-Miya, I am sorry for lying... please don't make me eat through nose.."

Miya: "Don't worry, I was just kidding."

Alucard: "But.. you seemed to mean it."

Miya: "That's acting."

Alucard: "Oh! Of course! Amazing."

Miya: "Although I did wanted to see you eat with you nose."

Alucard: "...."

Her eyes returned back to the window, looking bored. It was late in the afternoon, with the glow of the sun starting fade in the dusky sky.

Miya: "Say, why do you bother with me?"

Alucard: "Hm?"

Miya: "As big a pain as I've been, most people would have called it quits by now."

Well, she is self aware.

Miya: "You even gave that reporter the photo which could've caused trouble for you. Why are you so hell-bent on helping me?"

Alucard: "Can't I just help for the sake of it?"

Miya: "Alucard, you aren't a people pleaser type. Also when that couple tried to take my picture in Lumina Station, you were downright mean."

Alucard: "I think anyone would do the same."

Miya: "I'm saying you chose a particularly not nice way to go after them. You could have gently nudged instead."

Alucard: "Even though I was mad?"

Miya: "You were levelheaded enough to pick exactly the right way to drive him into a corner."

Alucard: "The more you talk, the worse I sound..."

Miya: "That's the point."

Alucard: "Well then, I'll tell you the reason. I thought, here's my chance to impress a beautiful-"

Miya: "I'm not asking you to confess the raw, unvarnished truth."

Alucard: "Then what do you want from me?"

Miya: ".....just give me your current best excuse."

Sometimes I really don't get her. But... let's be more honest this time.

Alucard: "It's painful to be alone, especially during hard times."

Miya: "....."

This time she didn't interrupt.

Alucard: "When I encountered the emergence syndrome, nobody believed me. Everyone just distanced themselves, calling me a liar. But, there was one person who listened to me.

She didn't act differently. And she wouldn't awkwardly agree with me. At that time, her existence saved me.

I just wanted to do what she had done for me."

Miya: "A girl, huh?"

Alucard: "Yea-"

Her cold stare was downright unnerving. She's clearly displeased.

The train stopped at station near the Serene river. Our goal for the date was the next stop, about 10 minutes ride. But she suddenly got up.

Miya: "I'm getting off."

Alucard: "Eh? What about Preblica?"

She was already off the train.

Alucard: "Wait!"

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