Chapter 1 - Spot x Race

Start from the beginning

The walk to Race's house was longer than he'd expected.

He always said he lived not too far from the school so Spot assumed he meant a few minutes away, not a twenty minute walk.

The walk was uneventful in comparison to the earlier event but Race did nearly trip up over the curb a solid five times.

Once they arrived at Race's house they were met with Miss Medda, Race's adoptive mother.

Race ran up to her and hugged her. "I got a B on my English test," he exclaimed.

"That's great sweetie," she said with a smile. "But who's your friend? I didn't know you were having anyone over."

"I'm sorry, something happened at school and I'm going to fix him up," Race explained.

Miss Medda nodded and stood out of the way of the hallway for them to go to Race's room. "You go upstairs and sort him out then and I'll bring you boys up some snacks."

Race nodded and gave her one last hug before grabbing Spot's hand and bringing him up the stairs.

The butterflies in either boy's stomach at the touch of their hands did not go unnoticed by either boy.

Race led him to his bedroom and instructed him to sit down on his bed.

Spot did as he was told and watched as Race walked out the door to go get a cloth and some ice.

He sat there playing with his thumbs when he heard footsteps coming in the direction of the room.

"Hey, Race. Medda told me you brought someone over and- oh. Hi Spot," Jack said as he walked into Race's room.

Spot waved at Jack. "Hi Jack."

The two boys stood there in an awkward silence before they were interrupted by Race.

"Jack can you please go away? We're kind of busy," he asked, trying to not be rude but when it's Jack you're talking to, why bother.

He was surprised when Jack nodded and gave him a hug and whispered 'good luck' to him.

Sure, he was the only person Race had told about his crush but it still embarrassed him to have his brother say that to him.

Race walked over to Spot, his cheeks very red, and sat down beside him.

He started cleaning the cuts and handed the ice to Spot.

"Hold that on your eye and I'll disinfect your cuts," Race explained as he lifted up the cloth.

Spot nodded and held the ice up to his eye.

He didn't find the disinfecting to be too bad until Race got to the biggest cut under his eye.

Spot cursed loudly and tried to pull away from Race.

Race grabbed his shoulders and held him in place. "Don't move," he instructed.

Spot nodded and tried to not pull away but he couldn't help it.

Race groaned in annoyance and grabbed his shoulders again.

"Stop moving, or else I'll have to resort to other ways to get you to stop," he threatened.

Spot nodded and yet again tried to not move away and yet again failed as greatly as before.

Race huffed in annoyance and put a hand on either said of his face.

"What are you-" Spot's question was cut short by Race kissing him.

They pulled apart after a few minutes.

Both boys were very obviously blushing, Race more so than Spot.

"I'm sorry," Race said. "I shouldn't have done that."

Spot shook his head. "No, I didn't mind at all."

Spot leaned in and placed another kiss on Race's lips.

1500 words

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