"Stacie, I wanted to say congratulations. You are this years valedictorian." He says with a proud smile. I stare at him stunned. I knew I had good grades but I never realized they were that good. "Really? Me?" I question dumbfounded. "Yes Stacie. I must say I'm quite impressed by you. Managing to get this title especially given your current state is especially inspirational." He says with a big smile. I rest my hand on my stomach and nod. I can't believe I managed to become valedictorian despite the crazy senior year I've experienced.

"And as expected you will have to perform a speech at graduation, as long as you feel able too." He tells me. I appreciated him making sure I was up to this, but my mind was already made up. "I would be honored." I say with a bright smile. We chat for a few more minutes until the final bell rings. "Thank you Principle Birch." I say as I struggle to stand then shake his hand. He walks me out the office were Beca is waiting for me with a nervous look. I smile seeing her which automatically relieves her tension. "Beca." Principle Birch says next to me giving Beca a nod. Beca gives him a nod in return and wraps her arm around me as we leave the office.

"What happened?" Beca asks as we head out the school and to her car. The delinquents are eagerly waiting around her parking spot, clearly they heard the announcement and are just as curious. "Whatcha do to piss off the principle?" Amy asks with a big smile as the others start saying ridiculous theories on what I could have done. I roll my eyes and shake my head. "I'm not in trouble. You're looking at the valedictorian." I inform them trying to hide my excitement.

"Wait you can go to the principle's and not be in trouble?" Emily deadpans. "Holy shit, congrats baby." Beca says doing her best to hug me with my oversized stomach. "Thats not fun, I was hoping for something cooler." Amy says with a frown. "How the hell did you get valedictorian over me?! Its not possible!" We hear as we spin around to see Alice followed by some of her cheerleaders and Tom and his football buddies. An uneasy knot forms in my stomach, why can't she just leave me alone? And how could she already know that?

"Did you fuck the principle too to get the title?" Tom snickers next to Alice. I ball my fists up by my side. I quickly take deep breaths. I earned this. I know I earned it fair and square. "I bet you all fucked him for it. It makes sense for the delinquents." Tom continues with his arrogant smile. "Shut the fuck up Tom. You all know Stacie earned this. Don't you dare talk about her like that again." Beca threatens. Her whole body is tense and her fists are balled so tight that her knuckles are white. Out of the corner of my eye I notice the delinquents start to get into defensive positions.

"Just because your parents buy you everything doesn't mean you're better then us. Actually I think it makes us better because we can actually do shit for ourselves." Beca says with a smirk and high fives Jesse.

"You're all a bunch of whores and fuck ups. None of you will be anything bunch of druggies." Alice says with a cocky smirk. "Fucking good for nothings, but what do you expect when some of them are the children of a murderer." Tom adds spitting at their feet.

That's when all hell breaks lose. Jesse runs up to Tom and punches him while the rest of the delinquents charge the other group. I watch Beca charge forward with her friends but Emily surprises us by grabbing Beca and stopping her. "You can't get in trouble this close to graduating." Emily says. Beca tries to argue but Emily gives her a right hook across the face, stunning me as Beca falls to the ground and hits her head, out cold. I watch the fight ensue around me. It was easy to see who was winning. Even without Beca her group could kick anyone's ass. I run to Beca and check on her where she's still knocked out on the floor. I knew Emily wouldn't hit her hard enough to cause any real damage but I'm worried about how hard her head hit the ground. Finally security comes and breaks the fight up.

I watch in horror as the cops show up and start handcuffing the various students involved, most are already bruised and bloody from the brutal fight. Principle Birch came out during the chaos and is talking with the police and they put different students in patrol cars while others are taken away in ambulances. Several students and security guards back up the fact that Beca and I had no part in the fight. This doesn't get out of us taking an ambulance ride to the local hospital to check on Beca's head injury.

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