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Somewhere along the way I had fell asleep. With the sound of rain hitting the roof of the car and long drive made me really tired. So obviously I fell asleep like I said.
I woke up in weird room. It was really hot. Pipes whistling with steam coming out of them. It looked like some sort of boiler room? I'm not to sure. I got up and started taking in my surroundings. I move slowly, not wanting to make much noise. I feel something. Somethings here with me. I feel like I should run. I feel like I'm in danger. This is bad.
Suddenly scraping is heard. Coming coming closer and closer. Looking around frantically I see nothing.
"Hello?! Listen here you bastard of your not going to show yourself I'll come and find your ass!" I yell, hopefully sounding intimating.
Nothing. Everything went silent. The only sound that could be heard was the pipes and faint drips of water. I start to get nervous. Everything feels so real. I feel the same presence behind me, yet nothing is there. All of a sudden the room changes into a basement? It looks empty, like no one has lived here for a long time. I still feel that damned presence. But it's not..close anymore.. it's like it watching me. Whatever.
I look around in the basement and find a stairway up.
"Fuck it." I walk up the stairs to see a hallway leading into a living room. "This place is definitely abandoned.." I look around more and see a car pulling in the driveway. Next thing I know I wake up.
"Hey honey wake up." My mom says shaking me. I groan and stretch. I look out the window and see a house with a green roof and worn down white walls.
"Come on let's go inside. We've got your things, go check out the house." My dad says while unloading everything. I nod as a 'thank you' and make my way in. I step in the door and my stomach drops. It's the same house from my dream.
I start to shake. I continue walking and everything is the same. From the hallway to the old wallpaper. Even the carpet in the stairs were the same. I walk down the hallway and find the door to the basement closed. I walk over and open it slowly, only to find a storage closet. I let out a sigh of relief but it doesn't last long. A different door opens on its own. They always say curiosity killed the cat. I begin to make my way over, hoping and praying that it's not what I think it is. I close my eyes and walk in front of the open door. I open them, terrified. Terrified to find the exact basement in my dream. With shaky legs I walk down the steps. When I reach the bottom that feeling comes back. It's stronger than it was in the dream. I freak out and turn to run up the stairs but the door slams shut. I run up them and bang on the door.
"HELP HELP! OPEN THE DOOR!" To my dismay the door is locked. It won't budge. I feel something getting closer. I pull and yank on the door trying desperately to get it open. I hear a laugh. A evil laugh. Something is mocking me.
"LEAVE ME ALONE! MOM! DAD!" I scream more and more but no one seems to hear me. I whip my head around and see a tiny window. I run to it. My mom and dad are chatting away with one of the neighbors.
"Fuck!" I hyperventilate. The laughing continues. Then a voice is heard.
"You're ungrateful. I put in all of this work to show you what my house looks like before you even get here and now you're trying to leave! Rude," the voice gasps, "oh? Are you sad that mommy and daddy aren't listening to you? That they can't hear you? Or maybe..." it goes silent. I hug myself out of fear. A hand grabs be and turns me around. "YOU'RE SCARED OF ME!" A burnt man with claws on his right hand and a dirty brown hat yells. He has a shit eating smirk on his face as he laughs at my terror. I scream bloody murder and try desperately to get out of his grip. Before he can say anything else I hear my parents run to me.
"This isn't the last you'll be seeing of me, bitch!" He says and disappears while dropping something. My parents open the door and run down.
"Oh my god Y/n are you okay?!" They hurry towards me and hug me.
"Do you get hurt?! What happened?!" My mom asks. I shake my head no. "N-no I'm fine.. I just.. saw a spider." They nod and begin to leas me to my new room but before we left the basement I quickly grab the small item the man dropped. I sit on my bed as they leave. I sigh and lay down. Then I fell asleep once again.

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