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"No more arguments! We are moving! Sweat pea we have to move alright? Your dad got a really good job, this is our chance to a fresh start after...what happened." My mom smiles at me. She thinks I should get away after the break in. For background, someone broke in and I've been paranoid ever since. Dad never got a new job, it's the same one he has now but a different state. Of course the pay is better, but I don't want to leave. I don't want to leave my friends.
"Y/n? Y/n!" My mom yells. I must have zoned out.
"Yes?" I respond.
"Finish packing, please." I groan and nod heading to my room. Like I said I really don't want to leave. I'm not the type to look on the bright side. My sour attitude doesn't help neither, though it may just be sour because I have to leave the only place I've ever felt comfortable at. I sigh and finish packing the last of my things and head downstairs to put it all in the van.
"Hey honey." My dad says while kissing my forehead.
"I'm not five anymore dad!" I say while wiping the kiss off.
"How rude!" He says jokingly. "Hun I know it's hard to face the reality of moving away, but your mother and I thought it would be best. Maybe you'll find a boyfriend or girlfriend, whatever your into." He smile again then leaves to but their things in the van. I mentally groan and put all my things away.
I turn around to stare at the house one last time. I walk up the porch steps, my friend Jess would always sit and eat those horribly designed character ice pops. A sad smile creeps it's way onto my face. Sooner or later the porch needs to be replaced, it has started to rot from last winter. Guess that's not our problem anymore. I wish it was our problem though. I walk into the front door and admire the dark hard wood floor that had many scratches on it from our previous pet.
He sadly passed away last winter. Everything went to shit last winter huh. I push those thoughts out of my mind and walk into the kitchen. I graze my hand upon the counter tops, taking in every memory I could. Every Halloween mom and I would bake bat shaped cookies.. oh how I'll miss that. Leaving the kitchen and going up the stairs I remember how Jess and I would get in sleeping bags and slide down them. Once we both broke something once. She broke her left pinky and I broke my right, that was the last of that. We had gotten in so much trouble. I softly chuckle to myself. Finally, I reach the bedrooms. My parents room, then the guest room, then my room. I spent most of my time in there, crying over ex's , how they broke my heart, or how Jess and I would get into a fight. Or I was just being an emotional teen. I laugh at the thought.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the honking of the car. I notice I'm crying. I quickly wipe my face off and run to the car, shutting the door behind me. All of these memories aren't  going to be in arms reach anymore, are they? I'm really leaving Jess? Why does it have to be like this? Jess is out of town and I can't even say bye. I groan before hopping in the car.
"Hey hun. You ready to leave?" My dad asks. I nod my head and put my headphones in and play some music. We drive off, heading to Springwood, Ohio.

This is an extremely short chapter, I promise I don't usually write this short of chapters but since it's the intro I thought why not? My posting schedule is on and off! So if it's a while without posting a chapter I promise I haven't forgotten 🧡

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