"Hmm," she contemplated as they entered the kitchen. "Look, I know they've already graduated but they're 5 years old. They've already graduated so early. Don't you think it's too much?" she didn't realise how loud her voice had gotten and quickly looked to the hallway to see if she'd disturbed them.

"I know, but it might help them and the kids there. Ikura thinks it'll be more relatable if they see kids there own age showing them how to do it."

"We can ask them tomorrow if they want to," she sighed. "I just don't like the thought of them being shown like a carnival act." Kakashi rubbed her back absentmindedly and the comfort of it seemed to relax Akari.

"Neither do I, but they need to interact with kids their own age, too. They only speak to each other, us, and adults. It wont be good for them either."

"Are we not adults, too?" she laughed at his odd wording.

"I guess we are," he laughed with her, shaking his head at himself.

"It's a shame they don't get along with Boruto." She sighed and leant on the counter. She glared at Kakashi as he tried to stifle his laughter. He held his hands up in defence but it continued to bubble out of him.

"I'm sorry, it's just thinking of how Hikaru is around him. 'Boruto's head is full of so much air that I might die of oxygen toxicity if I'm around him for too long'," Kakashi seemed to laugh harder as he quoted his son, "he's 5!" Akari found herself unable to contain the contagious laughter. "And you know Miha, if Hika doesn't like someone, she refuses to like them, too."

"With a brain like that, he must take after you, after all." She quipped dryly. "Miha, bless her. She loves Hika so much," she laughs shaking her head. Hika is like a hero to Miha.

"With a mouth as dry as yours we all know he's equal 50/50," he looks at her pointedly as he leans his body against hers and kisses her lightly on the lips.

He pulls back and inhales deeply with a smile on his face. She watched as he scanned the kitchen and begins pulling pots and pans out of various placed. Akari hops up onto the countertop to watch her favourite show. Kakashi's Kitchen. She laughs lightly at her thoughts.

"Where did he even learn about oxygen toxicity?" she realised.

"Ah, he's been hanging out at the hospital since I told him to slow down on the chunin exams."

"I guess you graduated at the same age, you must know how he feels?"

"Hmm, I guess. But, I don't want him to miss his childhood either."

"Seems he doesn't want one if he's hanging around the hospital." She joked but hoped it wasn't true for his sake.

"I think he has a crush on Sakura-chan, honestly," he laughed as he began chopping various veg before putting the knife on the counter. She watches as Kakashi shrugged the outer layer of his clothes off leaving only the traditional navy wide-leg trousers and opening his top, leaving it loose. The hot summer night was almost unbearable when he cooks. "He follows her like a little duckling and claims his hair is almost the same colour as hers. Only lilac and not pink." He laughed and resumed cutting the vegetables. Akari found herself smiling at the image of Hika following a very busy Sakura around.

"He does grow rather red and shy around her I've noticed." She contemplated it and began bouncing her head lightly in agreement. "Sasuke better watch out, seems he has competition." She joked but she didn't really know the man. She'd only seen him twice- maybe three times ever.

"I hope he comes back to stay soon. I don't like to think of Sakura in that big house alone."

"She has Sarada." She tries to justify but she began to think of how she'd feel without Kakashi being there.

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