Part two of making friends (cinderella)

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Anastasia was feeling quite lonely because her sister had friends so she decided she would make friends with the older kids in the orphanage one of those older kids was Cinderella she was the oldest kid there it was very Sweet And very pretty she wore a white shirt with overalls Brown boots Her hair is up in a bun With some loose strands she had beautiful blue eyes so Anastasia went up to her and started a conversation " hi your name is Cinderella right" she asked her " yes it is your Anastasia right" she asked " yeah I am" Anastasia said " not to be rude or anything but why are you talking to me are usually with your sister" cinderella asked " usually I am but she's hanging out with her friends I thought it would be a good idea to make friends with the older kids here which are Esmeralda, Dimitri, and you" Anja said " that's correct it's going to be easy to make friends with Esmeralda she may be all tough and stuff but she's sweet Dimitri on the other hand he's kind of hard I mean we were here when we were babies and we're still not that close but we're friends on some levels" cinderella said " that sounds like me I have never really made friends easily protecting my baby sister is very hard for me I love her very much" Anastasia said " all the kids here are like my brothers and sisters varian especially and Jane and Wendy varian is a sweetheart he was four years old when he was brought here he was nervous around all the other kids but I took him under my wing he's my little brother Jane and Wendy were brought here When they were two years old they are always crying but I took care of them what the help Of the other kids and Miss Mary Poppins we have something in common we both love taking care of people that we love" cinderella said " yeah I guess you're the old is here right" Anastasia asked " I am" cinderella said " if it's not rude to ask why are you a orphan" Anastasia asked " my dad passed away and my stepmom did not want me so she gave me up" cinderella said " I am so sorry me and my sister lost her parents due to a fire I was three at the time and my sister was two years old I protector because she's all I have left"Anastasia said  " maybe we can be friends and protect the younger kids" cinderella said " I would like that" Anastasia said Anastasia and Cinderella became friends

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