New arrivals

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" today's a wonderful day I hope so or two new girls will like it here" send Miss Mary Poppins " good morning Miss Mary Poppins!" Send Cinderella with a cheerful smile on her face " Oh hello Miss Mary Poppins" send Esmeralda " No Pan is mine ....... hello Miss Mary Poppins ha ha" send Wendy " his name is Peter and he's mine ........ oh good morning Miss Mary Poppins!" Said Jane " Lala La La La good morning Miss Mary Poppins" said Lilly " so this sickness and this sickness can be cured with this that's great............ good morning Miss Mary Poppins!" Send Karmi " hola señorita Mary Poppins Hola señorita's!" Said Rose " good morning ladies And Miss Mary Poppins!" Send Dimitri " hello beautiful ladies in the most beautiful of them all miss Mary Poppins!😉" send Peter Pan winking at Miss Mary Poppins " hi everybody hello Miss Mary Poppins!" Send Taurine " hey Karmi and everybody else and Miss Mary Poppins" send hero " Hola señorita Mary Poppins Hola señoritas Hola hombres" send Miguel " boys and girls I have exciting news we have two new kids that are coming to live here!" Send Miss Mary Poppins "Excuse me señoritaMary Poppins Are they señorita's or are they hombres or either one of each?" asked Rose " two girls their sisters One year apart." Send Miss Mary Poppins " yeah even though adding two new girls hereWe are still out numbered there's a lot more boys here than girls!" Send Esmeralda " there's only three more of us good morning Miss Mary Poppins" said Jim " you're late again Jim" send Miss Mary Poppins with a stern look on her face " i'm sorry Miss it won't happen again I promise!" Said Jim " anyways they should be here any minute" send Miss Mary Poppins about five minutes later there was a knock on the door " oh they're here I want you all to be on your best behavior." Send Miss Mary Poppins " yes Miss Mary Poppins !"Said half of the children " Yes Señorita Mary Poppins!" Send Miguel and rose " hello Miss Mary Poppins thank you for taking these girls!" Said social worker " oh no problem!" Send Miss Mary Poppins " well then I must be off Tata" send social worker " hello girls your names are Destiny and Anja or Anastasia if I'm correct ?" Said Miss Mary Poppins "You are correct ma'am !" Said Anja " Your Anja and you're older so this is destiny and she's your baby sister." Send Miss Mary Poppins "That's correct I prefer to be called Anastasia though until I get to know you I like to be called Anastasia."Said Anja " OK Anastasia is and destiny what do you think of this place" send Miss Mary Poppins destiny just looked around and smiled and nodded her head yes "I must be off I have work to do the children introduced themselves" send Miss Mary Poppins " hi am Cinderella" send Cinderella "I am Esmeralda" send Esmeralda " I am Karmi" send Karmi " I am Wendy and I am Jane!"Send Wendy and Jane " I am Lilly" send Lilly" hola señorita's my name is Rose I said hello to you in Spanish and I say girls in Spanish as well" said rose " hey girls my name is hero" Send Hero " my name is Miguel" send Miguel " my name is Taurine" send Taurine "My name is Peter pan and May just say you girls are gorgeous😉!" Send Peter Pan winking at them both "My name is Varian!" Send Varian " my name is Dmitri!" Send Dmitri " my name is Jim"Send Jim the moment destiny Saw Jim her heart started beating rapidly this indicated she Had a crash on Jim " let me show you to your room" send Cinderella " OK" said Anja " well here it is I'll let you girls get settled in!" Said Cinderella " thank you"Said Anja " well this is a nice place!" Said destiny

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