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Please read. (If you read this before you can skip... I did add on but I understand if you skip ✌😀)

Hello readers.

So I have already started an edited version of this book already. But if I'm correct I started it before I even took this break to edited my books.

So I'm re-re-editing this book.

I'll be editing this book when I can and post it when I'm done. It will be a different kind of posting then my others.
Not everyday I'll be posting a chapter from it, but I'll be trying to.

I do want to say things before you read on.

I want to say that this book is an edited version of my very first Soulmate Book I have every made. I want to tell you something before you continue to read this book.

Like I said this is a remake of my old very first Soulmate Book. My old book was made maybe 3 to 4 years ago so the spelling and grammar sucks. I will like to say that I have an learning disability that caused me to hate school and myself because learning and remembering things are so fucking hard for me, even now learning what I need to know and keeping it in my head is still hard for me. It goes in one ear and out the other.

The reason why this book was made was because my old one sucked and I wanted to make them better, but another reason is because of the hate I was getting. After getting this bad hate I had stopped everything I was working on to work on making my old books better because then it should stop the hate.

But just to be prepared I want to talk about things that are important to know or understand.

I totally understand when people want to help and fix the mistakes I have and you can totally do so, though if you see that someone has already fixed it you don't need to re-comment it. If you do fix my mistakes I'm asking you to be nice about it. Please think before you write a comment.
I'm just saying this because I've had a good amount of people come at me for my mistakes in the wrong way. I can take constructive criticism but when it gets downright disrespectful I will not stand by and let that happen. So again please don't tell me that I shouldn't post if I can't take it, I can when you're respectful.
THE THING you shouldn't come and try to FIX is when I write for mental illnesses. I'm writing from my own personal experience with my own physical and mental illnesses. I do use my sister and my family's experiences too since I know them and I can talk to them about it.
I don't personally open up much to anyone and when I do it doesn't even scratch the service of what I have gone and going through. I don't just jump into writing about these specific topics without knowing about them, if I don't know about them I do my research on them. If I went in without knowing it-it would be wrong, very wrong and I would be giving out wrong information that can be harmful, I absolutely don't like people who go and write blindly about mental health and glamorize it, I am not glamorize any mental illnesses, I do not condone any acts of SH, drugs abuse, eating disorders and so on. I have a warning for a reason, I tell you what will happen in the chapter so you know what will happen and wont go in blindly.

I do want to aslo so say that no one's mental illnesses are the same. Everyone deals with their own things differently. I may write or say things that are different from yours or others because I'm using my own mental illnesses and how I felt and dealt with them at the moment. I'm using my own feelings.

The reason why I write a lot about mental illness is because it helps me cope. It's a copy mechanism for me and a lot of other people. I don't open up much like I said and I can't open up much for plenty of reasons. Most of the characters I make have a lot in common with me, they let me act on my feelings more than I can in reality. That's one of the reasons why I protect my characters when I get hated on them. If they attack them they are attacking me.

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