chapter 1

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Never in my life i didn't stop from doing things. Mom always told me to listen to my heart . She always used say the heart knows what it wants.

But never in my life i thought it would have me drowning in the lake that is in the middle of tue forest. I always loved nature as well the creatures of the nature.

I was just chasing the white cute little rabbit who led me here. The bunny jumped in the lake
Out of the blue and it was like it was drowning. So i jumped in to save the cute animal.i was always a good swimmer but never in my life i thought i would drown . And that's how i am dying. A little girl who just turned 18 was way too excited to come here to enjoy the nature with her family. Now she didn't got to fulfill her dreams. And didn't even got to have her first kiss.. At least let me kiss a handsome man before dying.

Okay i don't think it takes this much long to die cause it feels like it's been hours and i am just under the water. Suddenly a light shined so bright i think it is my way to heaven... I am really dead ...

suddenly it felt like the water pushed me up. My hand hit the ground and i pulled myself up. I quickly took some deep breaths to ease my lungs .

Am i dead? And why this lake felt like it was a dark deep abyss when it's water  actually reached my waist. I have been in this lake before with family 1 day ago

After taking deep breaths amd coughing for a while i used my hands to balance myself while getting up . I wrapped my arms around me when my feet stood in the ground

It's a chilly night it feels the the winter is going to come few days later but it was spring when i came here. How odd ..

If i knew i am going almost drown i would have brought a cardigan wrapped in a plastic bag.but again if i knew i wouldn't have come here. Who in the world would be this much dumb lunatic to come here if they knew they are going to almost die?

Wait  where is that rabbit huh . I clearly saw the rabbit drowning wait ... Is the rabbit still in the water but how i am supposed to jump in he water again after almost dying

I quickly turn my head to the direction where i just hear the bush shuffling.

It must be that rabbit i guess

I quickly went there and saw the little naughty rabbit is curled up like a small furr ball.

"There you are bun" said while picking up the small furr ball  and cradling it to my chest.

"I am gonna name you bun since you are a little bunny and i am not good at naming" i said while
Scratching his ear and he started purring.

What a cute little thing he is.
Than he climbed up to my shoulder and start sniffing my neck . After 1 min sniffing me he laid his head in my shoulder.

Okay i need to move now i will freeze here it's so cold here

"Let's go bu we gotta move or we will freeze to death" i said while moving my feet to the clear path direction

After a few mins walking and my teeth chattering cause of the cold i came to the place where the  cabin  we bought to stay here but the cabin was nowhere to find

What in the world is happening to me today?

Than i hear footsteps . I quickly turned around to if it was my family or not .even if they aren't i can still ask that person for a phone and call my family

When i turned my chocolate brown eyes met the most magnificent blue eyes i have ever seen . It felt like the time stop. The man in front of me is the most beautiful person I've ever seen.

How funny i crushing over a guy i never seen before ,while being in the middle of the forest .

The man couldn't be more than 26 or something.and he was so tall  that i barely reached his chest. I was not that small . I am 5'3. Well i admit i am short but this man was abnormally large...bleh not my fault..

After staring at him what it felt like an eternity when it's only few mins the rabbit jumped from my arm and hit his feet ground . Before i got any chance to react i was engulfed in a firm embrace.

Wait did he hugged me?of course he did ,you dumb idiot.

"Hey man ,i know it must be a tired day but you shouldn't be hugging around anyone you see" i told him while prying his arms away from me but he didn't budge. He put his head in the crook of my neck and sniffed me .

When he didn't move i started to panic i started squirming in his arms to get away but again he wouldn't budge . Was he made of steel.

"Hey man you know it's really bad to hug someone against their will. Let me go" i started to wiggle in his arms more and he mumbled no in his deep voice one that i could listen forever. Gurl what's wrong with you. You were never like this.

Mom always told me to stay away from stranger . They are dangerous . But i never pay attention to it. Moms are always right

"Let me go!" i screamed at his while trying get away from his firm but gentle grip. His embrace was warm but terrifying,as if once it hold me it will never let me go .

but what more terrifying was that i didn't even know this man and here i was trapped in his arms in the middle of the forest

"I am sorry but i can't let you go when i finally found you, my little love."he said in a deep smooth velvet voice trying to make his voice as much gentle he could.

I started to have panic attacks . I started to seeing black dots and i passed out in this mans arms who could be a killer for god sake..


Thank you so much for reading. I hope you like it.

Daily: You are beautiful the way you are . Don't change yourself for someone else. Don't hurt yourself to want to be perfect.
No one is perfect
We were born to be ourselves not to be perfect

Have a nice day guys

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