Chapter 10

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Janas P.O.V

 I was sat at our group table most people were up dancing or laughing with their friends i was sat down with the 3 k's kara wascomplaining about rhydian.

"I really want to dance with him but he's so busy with Maddy as usual." Kara complained.

 "I bet their going out." Kay added. suddenly i remembered something Shannon had told me from rhydian was first instoneybridge.

"their not they're cousins" I added kara visibly perked up. as i looked over to Maddy and rhydian i saw rhydian giving Maddyceri's necklace oh know i know what that means great we all no whats coming next i have to act fast.

 "kara you know rhydian did say earlier that he would love to dance with you but he was too scared to ask." this was perfect.

"really omg im going to go ask him right now.

 perfect that should give me and josh a little bit of time to put this plan into action.

Rhydian's P.O.V

just as mine and maddys lips were about to touch i feel someone tap my shoulder great why now im going to kill who ever thatis. I turned around and it was kara great what does she want.

"Hey rhydian i was just wondering if you wanted to dance."

 "No i dont so please just leave." With that kara stormed off. I turned back to maddy suddenly feeling awkward.

"Rhydan i err have to go speak to Shannon" maddy said and then walked of blushing.

Maddy's P.O.V

"shan we need to talk like now."

"Mads are you ok? whats wrong?"

"I just nearly kissed rhydian." maddy said unconsciously playing with the necklace rhydian gave her. 

"what why only nearly."

"because he clearly doesnt feel the same shan."

"are you stupid of course he does"

"whatever shan i need 5 minutes by myself." with that maddy left and went outside.

Shannon's P.O.V

I had had it with those to i filled tom in on what i new and dragged him over to where rhydian was "you nearly kissed maddy!"shannon said to rhydian more of a statement that a question.

"yeah no big deal shan."

"are you mental that girl is just as crazy about you as you are about her you nearly kiss and you say its no big deal."

"shes right mate." tom put in agreeing with shannon.

"well then why did she pull away answer me that shan."

"because she thinks she was forcing you into something she didnt want to do."

"why would she think that."

"you know rhydian you and mads are supposet to have super senses or something and yet you are both blind to whats right infront of you." tom said he was clearly fed up.

 "now you go out there right now and tell her how you feel." shannon ordered.

"fine shan and thanks guys."

with that rhydian left to go talk to maddy.

Rhydian's P.O.V

I walked out side i didnt take me long to follow maddys scent. i saw her at first it looked like she was talking to her self butthen i saw him. josh what was he doing here before i could do anything else josh crashed his lips onto maddy and she didntseem to be stopping him. that was it tom and shan were wrong i ran out of there as fast as i could.

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