Chapter 6

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At around 11:30am rhydian woke up and looked around him and nearly burst out laughing at the sight in front of him andmaddy cuddled up on the bed covered in plastic bags. He looked down at maddy she looked so beautiful when she wassleeping he didn't want to wake her but decided he had to as they had to finish there packing before they had to get droppedoff at the airport at 4.

"Maddy" he whispered but she didn't respond.

"maddy!" he said slightly louder while shaking her but she still didn't wake up.

Rhydian was starting to get worried now but then his worry faded away as he heard a familiar voice.

 "you know if you're gonna wake me up so early you could have at least got me some breakfast." she joked.

"early, maddy it's half 11." Rhydian replied looking at the clock.

 "what we've got to be at the airport in like 4 hours!" maddy practically shouted at him.

"mads chill it's an hours drive it'll take us about 30 minutes to an hour to get ready and were almost finished packing that'splenty of time."

 "how the hell are you so calm?"

'im here with you what would bother me' rhydian though but didn't have the courage to say. "no reason." was his response.

"well don't you to look comfy" came Emma's voice from the door way. Rhydian and Maddy but looked up embarrassed beforeEmma walked off smiling to her self and saying "your breakfast is ready when you've finished."

"she's right you know i am quite comfy" maddy blurted out before she even realised shed said it rhydian just smirked andsaid.

"oh yeah i might just have to stay in your bed more often." Maddy smirked up at him and said

"yeah you could get a job being a pillow im sure jana would buy you."maddy laughed even though she hated the thought ofrhydian being with Jana she knew he hated it more so she decided to tease him with it and it worked she felt him shudder atthe thought.

or i could just stay here with you." he smiled down at maddy.

"Are you two coming down or am i eating your bacon."Dan called up the stairs

Maddy and rhydian looked at each other and shot up out of bed before both falling over all the bags rhydian almost landing ontop of maddy he was just above her all his weight balanced on his arms they both looked at each other and burst outlaughing.

 "i know i said you were comfy but you didn't have to lie on top of me i would rather have a hoodie to keep warmthanks."maddy just laughed and got up. once she was up rhydian lifted her over his shoulder and ran down the stairs withmaddy hanging on to the back of his T-shirt 'what an amazing view' maddy thought before saying through laughs

"rhydian put me down now" as she said this she began to hit his back.

 "nope"was his reply before running in the kitchen.

"rhydian put her down before she bites your head off." Emma said between laughs.

"fine" rhydian fake sighed putting maddy down.

"mam where's my breakfast?" maddy asked making everyone laugh. Emma handed the teens their breakfast, and said

"you can eat down here today since were not gonna see you for a week."

"fine by me." said rhydian still smiling at the thought of actually being part of a family.

Once breakfast was at 12(I know bit late for breakfast) Maddy and rhydian went back up stairs. maddy decided to finishpacking later and for now have a shower leaving rhydian in her room to finish his packing. 20 minutes later maddy steppedout of the shower, when she realised that she had left her change of clothes in her room she wrapped a towel around her selfand quickly walked to her room and closed the door behind her. And then it hit her she was stood in her room, in just a towel,and rhydian was in there and he had defiantly noticed her his eyes were fixed on her.

 "i err totally forgot you were in here." Rhydian just laughed

"im gonna go so you can get dressed."

 "thank you" maddy breathed a sigh of relief and covered her face with her hand rhydian just laughed again and left decidingto jump in the shower him self before getting dressed, maddy and rhydian decided to wear summer clothes maddy waswearing a long sleeve white top with thin red stripes running down it, light blue denim shorts and red high top converse.rhydian was wearing light blue jeans and black and orange Adidas trainers but couldn't find his T-shirt so he walked in tomaddys room to look for it.

"hey madds have you seen my t-shirt" maddy turned round and couldn't stop staring at what she saw rhydian had defiantlybeen a lot more active in the wild he had abs.

"like what ya see?" rhydian joked maddy went bright red and turned away from him.

"what no and ya no fear t-shirt is on the bed where ya left it."

"thanks" rhydian put his top on then him and maddy finished packing it was 2:30 so the both got completely ready and by 3they were both ready to go.

 "kids are you coming" dan called up the stairs.

"yes" they replied in unison. They both dragged the suit cases to the car got in and they were ready for their holiday goodbyestoney-bridge see you next week.

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