Chapter 4

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Rhydian's P.O.V

 "maddy told you what" i practically screamed i couldn't believe maddy would do something like this.

"she told me to stay away from you"

"when?"i need all the information i could if maddy said something it had to ba a good reason there's no way maddy would dothis unless it was important.

"this morning when i hugged her she'd seen us laughing and joking i think that she was...jealous."

"jealous of what it's not like there's ever going to be anything between me and you." as i said this i saw something flicker inJana's eyes but only for a second not long enough to work out what.

"well she did" jana started to cry and hugged me which i awkwardly returned i didn't want to hug her not really it just didn'tfeel right it was like hugging one of the K's.

 "look i need to go to find out what happened" and with that i left and ran off back to the smiths house.

Jana's P.O.V

Crap no. he can't ask maddy what if she tells him wait he's not going to believe her, her story matches with mine he will justthink she changed it round even though im the one who changed it and rhydian may be hot but he's not bright he's nevergoing to believe i said this as far as he knows i have no reason to say this plus maddy will be to worried about he friends ismirked this plan was brilliant.

Maddy's P.O.V

I was just about to go down stairs when i smelt an all to familiar scent. Rhydian he was back oh great he's been with Jana. Iheard someone run up the stairs before someone walked into my room

"maddy why did you tell jana to stay away from me?" rhydian asked trying to stay calm.

"Excuse me what did you just say"

"maddy jana told me everything just please im trying to understand here madds i just want to know why." I got up off the bedand started walking toward him

"well first off all she clearly didn't tell you everything because that's complete bulls..."

MADDY, RHYDIAN DEN NOW" my mam interrupted

"maddy why would jana lie about something like that." That was it i lost it.



"DON'T YOU MADDS ME JUST GET OUT RHYDIAN." I slammed the door in his face and starter to cry i slowly slid down mydoor and curled up in a ball.

Emma's P.O.V

Rhydian came down stairs and i asked him what the shouting was about he explained everything i couldn't believe my cubwould do something like that i sent rhydian into the den with dan and walked up stairs to ask maddy her version.

i walked into Maddy's room and was shocked at the sight i saw maddy curled up in a ball in front of the door sobbing herheart out this was bad.

 "what happened?" i asked in a calm voice knowing all was not as it appeared.

"jana lied" was all she said.

"want to expand"

"today at school jana was laughing with rhydian i went to sit with tom and shan and at the end of registration jana hugged meand the whispered to stay away from rhydian or she would hurt tom and shan i told them about it they said to ignore her but ican't i know Jana's serious but jana told rhydian..."

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